Titanic Twist

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Mike and Jess enter the computer room where everyone else is there.
Mike: What's up?
Jess: Did you find them?
Tobias: No. But I found something else. There's someone else that isn't any Reject.
Mike: You mean Darian?
Tobias: No. Who ever this is, is right here in this area. I don't know where but someone else is in our home.
Jess: Alright, Toby and Taylor check the lab, make sure nothing is missing. Isaiah and Herc, go check upstairs in case the readings are off. Mike, you and I will check everywhere else.
Mike: Sure, leave the ones who don't have the powers to check everywhere to check everywhere.
Jess: Shut up and look.
They search everywhere. The kitchen, lab, training room, living room, the bedrooms, even the garage and found nothing.
Isaiah: Are you sure your scans are correct?
Tobias: Really Isaiah? I feel hurt.
Isaiah: Just asking dude.
Taylor: Just rescan to make sure it's not a error.
Tobias: Ok.
Tobias presses some buttons and then pressed enter. The screen does a sonar scan and at first nothing happend.
Isaiah: See, Toby? Nothing to-
Then a green dot appeared while everyone else is blue.
Isaiah: Oh shit!
Herc: Someone is in our home!
Jess: Where is it?
Tobias: I don't know.
Taylor: We are trying to find exactly where they are but the system isn't letting us.
Mike: DEX?!
Dex: I'm sorry Mike, but I can not help you.
Mike: Why?!
Dex: I do not know. I am just following orders.
Mike: Orders from who?!
Dex: Why, Toby sir.
Everyone but Mike and Taylor looks at Tobias.
Jess: What's going on Toby?
Tobias: It's not me. I didn't order him to do this.
Isaiah: Then why is he telling us you did then?
Mike: Because he's not Toby.
Everyone looks at Mile in confusion except Tobias and Taylor.
Jess: What do you mean?
Mike: I went back in time and changed things, the timeline where Matthew and the other Jayden come from. And also Tobias.
Jess: Why do you call him Tobias?
Mike: Because he's not Toby. He's not the friend we all know and love. But he's my friend nonetheless.
Isaiah: Why didn't you tell us?
Mike: Because why tell you about something you don't remember anything about?
Jess: Who else knows?
Taylor: I did.
Tobias: I also told Jayden.
Jess curls her hand into a fist.
Jess: So you're telling me, you kept something THIS BIG FROM ME?!
Mike: I didn't see it as a big deal. He has most of Toby's memories, he's still in love with Beverley. He's basically Toby but with a different power set. Seriouslly, did you all not once question his new powers?
Isaiah: No.
Herc: I don't even know what the hell's going on, but I feel you should've told them.
Jess: I'm your best friend Mike and you couldn't have told me?!
Mike: I'm sorry?! Do I have to tell you everything?! Am I not allowed to have secrets?!
While Jess and Mike argue in the background, Taylor notices something and wheels away from the computer room and heads to a wall with a button.
Taylor: Hey guys, what's this?
Mike and Jess stop arguing and everyone walks over to the wall.
Mike: It's a uh... It's my secret room.
Tobias: Why do you have a secret room?
Mike: Toby told me where it was when he first showed me the place. Told me if he ever died that there would be a message explaining how to run the base. It's also where I watched Jayden's video message to me.
Taylor: Well, the signal is coming from in here.
Mike: What?!
Taylor: Whoever's here in the base is either in there, or the secret room leads to somewhere.
Mike: Leaning towards the latter.
Mike presses the button and nothing happends.
Mike: Weird.
Mike punches the button and the the wall opens and instead of the room is an elevator.
Mike: What the fuck?!
Jess: This wasn't here before?
Mike: I wouldn't have said what the fuck if that was the case.
Jess: *sighs* Alright guys, get suited up. You too Tobias, your suit's in the armory.
Tobias: Always in the armory.
Jess: Taylor stay here, we need to make sure nothing happends to the others and Casey.
Taylor: Got it.
Jess: Alright guys, we got to hurry.

(Few minutes later)

The team is in the elevator.
Herc: Nice suit.
Tobias: Thanks.
Mike looks at the control panel and saw it only has two arrows and only one is glowing.
Mike: Guess we go down.
Mike presses the button and the wall closes and the elevator goes down. Few seconds pass and then the elevator doors open. The team steps outside and sees a huge ass lab, and kinda looks like the batcave except less Batman stuff. The team then sees a man with long black hair whering a lab coat.
The man turns around and everyone is shocked. The man looks at his watch and looks back at the team.
???: A year early. Nice work.
The man had a long black beard but the face looked so familiar.
Mike: Toby?!

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