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The team returns to the base. They all get out/off their vehicles and enter the computer room. In the room two chairs are sitting in front of the computer. Tobias gets out of the chair and heads towards the team.
Tobias: Good job guys, another job well done.
Tobias and Isaiah high five.
Isaiah: Of course we did.
Crystal: You were looking at a magazine.
Isaiah: For a new couch!!
Tobias: We need a new couch.
Crystal: You both are idiots.
???: Not really.
The second chair spins around and it's Taylor in a wheelchair.
Taylor: They have a point. We need a new couch.
Crystal: Fine. I'll save up money to buy a new couch.
Isaiah/Tobias: Yes!
Jess stands in the doorway smiling when two arms wrap around her.
Jayden: You're cute when you smile.
Jess: I'm not.
Jayden: When will you just except that you're cute and adorable?
Jess looks at Jayden and kisses him.
Jess: Never.
Jayden: God I love you.
Jess: I know. I do too.
Jayden: I should go check on Casey.
Jayden kisses her head and he heads upstairs. Jess watches as he leaves. Then she gets dragged into the computer room.
Jess: What?!
Crystal: We have a question.
Isaiah: Yellow or black?
He pulls up a magazine with a couch in two different colors and Jess laughs.
Jess: Why do I have to choose?
Tobias: Cause you're the boss.
Jess: Alright then, I chooooose... Yellow.
Crystal: Damn, thoughy she would go for black.
Isaiah: Yesss, new couch here we come!!!!

(On top of a roof)

Austin is thrown to the ground. He looks up and sees a man buff man wearing a black leather trench coat, black jeans, black boots, black leather gloves, long brown hair, and two long swords on his back.
Austin: Who the hell are you?
The man turns around and Austin sees a face he knows.
Austin: Mike?
The man grabs Austin and lifts him into the air by the neck.
Ronin: I'm his clone. You can call me Ronin.
He throws Austin across the roof top. Austin grabs his neck.
Austin: So, is Wildebeast is a clone?
Wildebeast: Of Jayden!!! Big asian guy is Napalm, clone of Jess. Dude in silver is Streak, clone of Olivia. The girl with the punk hair is Angel, clone of Nelson. We're the Freaks! Six in total.
Austin: I only count 5.
Ronin: The last is trapped in a body of a friend of yours.
Austin: Who?
Ronin: Jacob.
Austin: What do you want me to do?
Ronin: Find him and bring him to us. We promise he'll not be harmed.
Ronin tosses Austin a suitcase.
Austin: What's this?
Ronin: Your new gear. Now go, find him and bring him to us.

The Rejects Volume 7: Freaks (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now