Forget pt 2

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Mike drives up to an building on his motorcycle and stops in front of an abandoned house. Mike gets off his bike and takes off his helmet and puts on his goggles.
Mike: So much easier with the old mask.
Taylor(comms): Maybe I should make you a mouth mask.
Mike: Mouth mask? Like Scorpion has in Mortal Kombat?
Taylor(comms): Yeah, pretty much.
Mike: I would dig it.
Mike puts the helmet in a container on his motorcycle and then walks into the house.
???: No no no no. Why did I you make me do that?
???: Oh quit your whining. I was testing out our powers. Well more like my powers because you're a wimp!
The man from before steps out from the shadows, his eyes now brown.
Max: Help me!
Mike: What?
Max: Help- AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!
Max puys his hands on his head and he screams in agony and his start glowing green and he smiles.
Max?: Well well well. I see you've found me, how nice of you to come to me.
Mike: You'll fix what you did to my friends Max!
Mind: I'm not Maxy. Call me Mind. And now, get dizzy.
Mike's vision starts getting blurry and Mike falls to his knee and tries to get a hold of himself.
Mike: *strainfully* What did you do?
Mind: I just messed with your mind. And now you will bend to my rule. Now let's get inside that head of yours.
Mind touches Mike's temple and Mike screams in pain.

(At the base)

Crystal is walking back and fourth and then she gets angry.
Crystal: I can't stand waiting any longer!
Crystal then punches the wall. Everyone then stares at her arm.
Crystal: What?
Isaiah: Look at your left hand.
Crystal raised her left hand to see it turn into a giant diamond fist.
Crystal: That's cool.
Tobias: How'd you do that?
Crystal: I don't know, it kinda felt natural so maybe that's why I didn't notice.
Tobias closes his eyes and then his skin turns metallic blue.
Isaiah: Whoa!!! That's cool!
One black blade then pops out of Jayden's hands.
Jayden: Whoa!
Jess: Yeah, I'm not even gonna try. Don't want to kill the baby.
Isaiah: Yeah you wouldn't want that.
Everyone jumps back.
Isaiah: What? It's not that creepy.
Isaiah stretched his neck and has his face next to Jayden.
Crystal: You know what this means?
Jayden: What?
Crystal: We can leave whenever we want. We have superpowers, we can easily take out the girl in the wheelchair.
Jayden: You want to attack a handicapped person?!
Isaiah: I'm with him. That's a little bit too far.
Tobias: We need to leave. We are being held against our will.
Jayden: We said we'd give him time!
Crystal: Well times up!
Crystal starts walking to the door but Jayden grabs her shoulder.
Jayden: Just wait a-
Crystal grabed his arm and threw him into the wall and he landed in the center hall. Taylor rolls out of the computer room.
Taylor: What the hell is going on?!
Jayden: Crystal wants to attack you... Who are you?
Taylor: You- sorry forgot. I'm Taylor.
Jayden: Well Taylor, you need to-
Isaiah flew into Jayden and the two slid a few inches. The two look up to see Crystal and Tobias step out.
Crystal: We are leaving.
Jayden gets up and pops his blades out.
Jayden: No you are not.
Jayden sees Jess walk out of the room.
Jayden: Jess get the baby somewhere safe and stay there.
Jess nods and walks up the stairs.
Tobias: You can't stop us. You have swords coming out of your knuckles, Isaiah can stretch, and the girl is in a wheelchair. What threat do you pose?
Taylor: How about this?
A blast of energy hits Crystal and Tobias, knocking the two to the floor. Jayden and Isaiah turn to see a black and vlue2 Iron Man armor.
Isaiah: Cool!
Jayden: Where'd that come from?
Taylor: It's my wheelchair.
Taylor walks towards Tobias and Crystal and Jayden and Isaiah stand beside her ready to fight. The two get up.
Crystal: Well, that was a surprise.
Tobias: Nice, a wheelchair that also doubles for an Iron Man armor. Who made that?
Taylor: You did. Now behave and get back in the room.
Crystal: Fat chance.
Crystal and Tobias charge at Taylor, Jayden, and Isaiah and they charge too.

(Where Jess is)

Jess is walking down the hallway lokking to see if any of the rooms will protect the baby.
Jess: Fu- Crap. If only I knew this place. I need help.
Dex: You called Jess?
Jess screams.
Dex: Calm down Jess.
Jess: Who are you? Where are you?
Dex: My name is Dex and I'm the whole building.
Jess: What?
Dex: I'm kinda your Jarvis. I'm an A.I. that serves you and the Rejects.
Jess: Do you know where I can put the baby?
Dex: Yes. In you and Jayden's room.
A door opens to Jess's right.
Jess: Me and Jayden's?
Dex: Yes. You two are married.
Jess: Married?
Jess looks at her left hand and sees a gold ring. Jess then starts crying.
Dex: Jess?
Jess: How? How could I forget someone I would spend the rest of my life with?

(Back downstairs)

Tobias and Jayden are in a fistfight while Taylor, Isaiah and Crystal are fighting. Tobias grabs Jayden's ring finger on his left hand and throws Jayden into a pillar. Tobias looks in his hand and sees a gold ring.
Tobias: You're married?
Jayden gets and sees the ring.
Jayden: Give it back.
Tobias: Why? You don't even remember getting-
Jayden sucker punches Tobias and grabs the ring and puts it back on.
Jayden: I may not remember anything about me and Jess, but if I'm wearing this it means that I can get that back. So don't you dare take this from me. Now yield.
Tobias stands up and raises his hands.
Tobias: I surrender.
Taylor walks to Jayden, dragging a knocked out Crystal by the hair.
Taylor: And now we wait. Also go upstairs and get Jess.
Jayden nods and heads upstairs. He walks down the hallway and sees Jess on the floor crying and a robot orb holding Casey. Jayden walks up to Jess and hugs her.
Jess: I wish I could remember our love.
Jayden: Do you at least feel for me in anyway?
Jess: I... I... Yes, I do.
Jayden: Then that's all that matters. If we know that somewhere is that little voice telling us we are meant to be then all is good.
Jess wipes her tears and looks at Jayden.
Jess: I'm starting to see why I fell for you.
Jayden: I think I fell for you the moment I saw you.
Then the two kiss.

(Where Mike is)

Mike wakes up to a black empty void.
Mike: Come out Mind.
Mind appears in front of Mike.
Mind: How'd you know this wasn't reality?
Mike: I've dealt with this before. And you ain't gonma win.
Mind: On the contraire, I will win cause I am a mastermind!!!!!
Then a force pushes Mike backwards and chains attach to Mike's arms and legs.
Mind: And if you think you can call on Jayden, Jess, Crystal, Tobias, and Isaiah I've blocked you from them.
Mike: That's ok.
A lightning bolt hits Mind and sends him flying. An axe hits the chains and Mike lands on his feet. He turns to see Frank.
Mike: Hey old friend.
Frank: Hello mate.
Mind: One friend won't save you
Mike: I know.
Then Aiden, Olivia, Nelson, Taylor, Tyler, and the original Toby appear.
Mike: You can't win.
Then many figures appear. All of the villains the Rejects have faced, DC characters, Marvel characters, Anime characters.
Mind: Oh..
Mike: This is my mind. And here, I am supreme!!!
Mind: Your mind is- Wow. I just, I just want to be you now!!!
Mind's appearance then began to change. He now has a black leather trench coat, black leather gloves, black jeans, black boots, a black shirt with a green skull on it, and Spider Man Noir's mask. A katana with a green blade appears in Mind's hands.
Endless: I think I'll stop calling myself Mind. I'll be like you, I'll be Endless!!!
???: Then that means I'm in control.
Endless turns around and sees Max.
Endless: How can you beat me?
Max: By not being afraid.
Max's eyes started glowing green and Endless starts disappearing.
Endless: NOOOOOOooooo......
Then Endless disappears.
Mike: Thanks. Now could you help fix my friends minds?
Max: Sure thing.

(At the base)

Max: Remember.
The five blink and they all start acting all dazed.
Tobias: That was a weird experience.
Isaiah: Agreed.
Crystal: I was such a douche.
Jayden and Jess just smiled at each other.
Mike: Well, thanks Max.
Max: Anytime, just call if you ever need my help.
Mike: Will do, thanks.
Max walks off and Mike sits in a chair.
Mike: That was weird.
Jayden: You thought that was weird?
Mike: You're right. We're weird, this was strange.
Crystal: Well things are back to normal.
Jess: You mean back to being our normal?
Crystal: Yep.
The team laughs and they all sit on the couch and play video games.

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