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Mike enters his old room and sets down a duffle bag. He opens his closet and sees a trombone case and a guitar case. He reaches for the cases and pulls them both out. He opens the trombone case and stares at the trombone. He then closes the trombone pulls out the guitar and a Beatles guitar pick. Mike starts strumming and then he plays Ole To Joy.
Jess: You play guitar?
Mike looks up to see Jess standing in his doorway.
Mike: A little. Not as good as Jayden.
Jess: Yeah. Hey, we need to talk.
Mike: About what?
Jess: If you should lead the team again.
Mike: I don't plan on it.
Jess: Why not.
Mike: I've been gone for about 2 months, and the team has gotten used to you leading. I'm not just gonna come back and everything goes back to my way. Besides, I've heard of your feats and I say you've done better at leading this team then I did.
Jess: I don't know about that.
Mike: Crime has actually gone down a significant lot. You're doing great Jess. Why, what's wrong?
Jess: I don't think I was the right pick. You should've chose Jayden or Crystal.
Mike grabs Jess's shoulder.
Mike: I chose you because I believe in you. I know you can lead this team, you just gotta believe in yourself.
Jess: But you saw me tonight. I almost failed if you didn't show up.
Mike: You made one mistake. You can focus on that or you can try to be better.
Jess: But I can't be better! I'm not you!
Mike: And you shouldn't be me. Be you. Lead this team the best you can and if your best isn't enough get better.
Jess: I don't how you do it.
Mike: Me neither. By the way, are we getting a new couch?
Jess starts laughing.
Jess: Come on. Let's head downstairs.
Jess leaves the room and Mike follows and closes the door.

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