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Mike is fighting ninjas in an alley.
Mike: Why the hell are there ninjas in Minnesota?
A purple blast of energy hits a ninja sneaking up behind Mike. Jess punches a ninja in the face.
Jess: There just is. God why do you people question that?
Mike: It's ninjas in Minnesota. That's plain weird.
Mike throws one of his sticks and it ricochets off the wall and hits two people. Mike walks up to Jess and catches the stick without looking.
Jess: Show off.
Jess pushes Mike softly.
Mike: I try.
Then Jayden falls off a building on top of a ninja and he rolls off the ninja.
Jayden: I hate ninjas.
Jess: Really?
Jayden: They don't know when to stay down.
Crystal lands on the ground on top of a ninja.
Crystal: What do you mean?
Jayden: Show off.
Crystal lifts Jayden up as Jess contacts the base.
Jess: Ninjas are now down, how's it going with Elasto and Archwing?
Tobias(comms): Not to good. A Gifted with electrical powers is taking on the two very easily.
Jess: We're on our way.
Jess turns around and looks at the group.
Jess: Alright people, Isaiah and Nelson need our help, so let's go.
The three heroes look at Jess.
Jess: What?
Mike: Come on.
Jess: What?
Mike: Say it.
Jess: Say what?
Mike: The battle cry!
Jess: *sighs* Rejects it's time to ride.
Mike: Good, good but next time more enthusiasm.
Jess: I'll blast you into the wall.

(Where Isaiah and Nelson are)

Isaiah struggles to get up as he sees a figure wearing a zipped up black leather jacket with the cowl up, black jeans, black boots, black gloves, and a tron helmet. She throws Nelson into a wall.
Isaiah: N-n-nelson!
The figure turns around and shoots a blast of electricity at Isaiah, knocking him out.
???: That this place would offer more now that there back but it seems like I was wrong.
The figure starts walking away when they hear footsteps.
???: You shouldn't sneak up on me.
The figure turns around and shoots an electrical blast at the person. When they stop, they see that a super buff man wearing a black leather vest, a green tanktop, blue jeans, black boots, long brown hair, a bushy brown beard, blue eyes, and both his hands are robotic. The man looks at the figure.
???: I found you Raiden.
Raiden: Not you!
The man punches the ground and picks up a giant piece of concrete.
???: You should run.
Raiden: You wouldn't hit a lady, would you?
The man throws the piece of concrete at Raiden and she ducks to the side. She gets up and shoots electricty at the man but he just walks through it. Raiden then starts shooting with one hand.
???: To stop you from hurting people.
Raiden: Tough luck with that.
Raiden uppercuts the man with ab electrified fist, sending him back a bit.
Raiden: You need to die.
Mike: And you need to stop cosplaying as a Tron character.
Raiden turns around and sees Mike on his motorcycle and Crystal getting off.
Crystal: Next time, I'm riding the bike!!
Mike: Nope.
Raiden: Good, your here.
Mike: Uh huh. What's your name?!
Raiden: Raiden!
Mike: Knew a Raiden once, she wasn't very nice.
Raiden: Yeah I know, it's me dipshit.
She shoots electricity at Mike and he gets flung off his bike. Mike gets up.
Mike: You can't be her.
Raiden: Francis was Domino.
Mike: ... Tobias!
Tobias(comms): Yeah?
Mike: I'm fighting Taylor.
Tobias(comms): How?!
Mike: She must've travelled from the other timeline to here.
Raiden walks up and Crystal transforms her right hand into a giant diamomd fist and then her whole body into diamond.
Crystal: Alright, that's as far-
Raiden bitch slaps Crystal out of the way.
Mike: Oh shit.
Raiden blast electricity at Mike's sticks and lifts Mike into the air.
Raiden then throws Mike into the mysterious man. The man catches Mike.
Mike: Thanks.
???: No problem.
Mike: So, what's your problem with her?
???: I don't like people hurting innocents.
Mike: What's your name?
Herc: I don't remember, but call me Hercules.
Mike: Because of the super strength, I get yeah. Anyways I need to know WHERE THE HELL IS THE BOSS?!

(In traffic)

Jess and Jayden in between a semi and a van and are stuck.
Jess: Fucking MOVE DAMNIT!!!!!!!!

(Back at the fight)

Mike: So Herc, it looks like you and me will have to stop her.
Herc: So what's the plan?
Mike: Well it's a simple plan. We charge.
Herc: Not a smart plan.
Mike: I'm not a smart guy.
Mike and Herc charge at Raiden. Raiden turns and blast the two into a wall. Mike gets up, gripping his sticks.
Mike: Come on now, KILL ME!!!
Raiden: Gladly.
She raises her hand and then a fist appears from a portal and knocks Raiden out.
Herc: What just happend?
A man in a Spider-Man costume abd a girl who looks like Jess step out of the portal.
Mike: Jay? Jess?
Jess(Timeline2): Hello!
Spidey: Sorry, just need to grab some garbage.
Spidey picks up Raiden.
Spidey: See ya later Mike.
Spidey and TL2 Jess walk into the portal.
Herc: That was weird.
Mike: Yeah.
Mike sits next to Herc.
Mike: So, you've been helping people?
Herc: I try. I'm not like you guys. I'm not a superhero.
Mike: Maybe you can be.
Herc: I'm not a Gifted. I got my powers, and my mechanical hands, from a lab accident at Rook Inc.
Mike: That's... A huge coincidence that for the past few days, every new Gifted we meet got their powers from that lab accident. But you don't have to be a Gifted to be a Reject.
Herc: Really?
Mike: Yeah. One of our members is a normal person but she uses a suit of armor, like Iron Man, to be a superhero, I mean use to.
Herc looks to the distance and thinks for a moment and then gets up and puts out his hand.
Herc: I accept.
Mike: Good! Now we just need to convince the boss.
Jess: WE'RE HERE!!!
Mike: Speak of the devil. Come on, let me introduce you.
Mike pushes Herc forward and the two walk towards Jess and Jayden.

Hey guys, just a quick promo for another series that I have and is actually pretty successful and that is Teen Titans. Please go check that out if you like drama, action, superheroes and my style of writing then please go read that. And that is all. Most likely new chapter later today or more likely tomorrow so bye.

The Rejects Volume 7: Freaks (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now