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Tobias and Jess are sitting in the computer room staring at the screen.
Jess: What's taking so long?
Tobias: It just needs time to gather every info it can get. This takes time Jess.
Jess: I know, but there are clones of me and some of the other Rejects and Austin who have kidnapped my best friend. I just want to find her quick.
Tobias: We'll find her.
Jess: I know Toby.
Tobias: Tobias.
Jess: Sorry?
Tobias: Don't call me Toby. That's not me.
Jess: Sorry.
Tobias: It's fine... Oh god.
Jess: What?
Tobias: Mike.
Jess: Show me.
Tobias presses a button and a video of Mike appears. Mike is just punching a bag repeatedly.
Jess: I see not-
Tobias zooms in on Mike's hand and filters it and then they can see that Mike's hand is bleeding and that his hands are broken.
Jess: What the hell is he doing?!
Tobias: Taking out his anger.
Jess: He could just talk to me.
Tobias: You never talked to him about your depressing thoughts.
Jess: Yeah I did.
Tobias: Barely.
Jess: I did it to protect him.
Tobias: That's what they always say. But it always leads to the opposite.
Jess: I know.
Tobias: I'm heading to bed.
Tobias gets up and leaves the computer room. Jess watches him head upstairs. She looks down on the floor and sighs.
Mike: You look tired.
Jess jumps from her seat as Mike is standing in the doorway wrapping bandages on his hands.
Jess: Holy shit, you scared me.
Mike: Didn't mean to.
Jess: You ok?
Mike: No, but nobody else on this team is either.
Jess: That's because they had lots of problems being dealt. Alot of things happend when you were gone Mike.
Mike: Can you tell me what?
Jess: You should ask them yourself.
Mike: Alright then.
Mike gets up and heads towards the lab and sees Taylor looking through a microscope.
Taylor: Hey Mike.
Mike: Hey Taylor.
Taylor: You want something?
Mike: What happend to your legs?
Taylor looks up from the microscope and stares at Mike.
Taylor: We were fighting Ricochet and he got lucky. Hit the armor and I was in the air so I came crashing down. When the others pryed off the armor, I was already paralyzed. It's alright though, now I'm the girl in the chair. Literally.
Mike: Thanks for telling me.
Taylor: Why wouldn't I? You're a friend.
Taylor then goes back to her microscope.
Isaiah: I see you're asking the questions you should've asked in the first place.
Mike turns around to see Isaiah.
Isaiah: Herc's out. So, you got anything to ask me?
Mike: Not really.
Isaiah: Well... Yeah, nothing bad happend to me. But if you want to ask Crystal about something, ask about her arm.
Isaiah pats on his shoulder and walks off. Mike heads off and sees Jayden in the kitchen playing with Casey.
Mike: Hey Jay.
Jayden: Hey Mikey.
Casey: Mikey Mikey!!
Jayden: That's right Casey. That's my best friend right there, your Uncle and Godfather.
Mike: Where's the symbiote?
Jayden stops and looks at Mike. He gets up and walks Mike out of the kitchen.
Jayden: Someone took it.
Mike: What happend?
Jayden: Decided to go on a patrol on my own and then someone beat me to a pulp and then pryed the symbiote off me. Almost killed me man. And that's why I'm more brutal. I almost died and I could've left Jess and Casey alone. I could never forgive myself man.
Mike: Hey hey.
Mike pulls Jayden into a hug.
Mike: It's ok man. You're here now and that's all that matters
Jayden: Thanks man.
Jayden and Mike stop hugging and Jay returns to the kitchen. Mike walks upstairs and stops infront of Crystal's bedroom door. Mike knocks on the door first.
Crystal: Yeah?!
Mike: I wanna ask you something. Can I come in?
Crystal: The answer to your question is yes.
Mike opens the door amd enters.
Mike: That wasn't actually my qu-
Mike looks at Crystal's right arm and sees it's entirely crystalized. Crystal turns around.
Crystal: It's the arm, isn't it?
Mike: What the hell happend?
Crystal: Got it cut off. I was in so much pain, and then an entire arm of crystals appeared and now it's like this. And when I want to use it-
Her arm transforms into a giant diamond arm with a huge diamond fist.
Crystal: I now have a giant diamond fist. Pretty cool right?
Mike: How'd you loose it?
Crystal: ... Not a good time.
Mike: Sorry.
Crystal: It's all good. You should go now.
Mike: Yeah. Thanks for telling me this, partner.
Crystal: Bitch, You haven't even returned to the station yet. Fuck you, get out of here.
Mike laughs and he closes the door.
Jess: See Mike.
Mike turns to his left to see Jess standing there.
Jess: We all have problems. We're just trying to deal.
Mike: I feel like I'm partially to blame.
Jess: We've dealt with this before Mike. Remember, it's not yours or my fault, it's fucking depression's fault.
Mike: You're-
Then an alarm goes off.
Mike: What's up?
Jess: We found the Freaks!

The Rejects Volume 7: Freaks (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now