Titan's Secret

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Toby: Sorry the lab isn't in order. Like I said, I expected you guys to find this place in a year.
Mike: You're dead!
Toby: Yeah.... And no.
Jess: Explain.
Toby: I didn't actually die. My clone did.
Mike: Clone?
Toby: You remember how you saw Erin, sorry about that, when you faced off against Domino?
Mike: How'd y-
Toby: I'm a genius Mike, I like to keep tabs on you guys.
Mike: Ok. Yeah, so?
Toby: A doctore named Claymold created her. She was a clone. As are the six who have Elizza.
Tobias: How are you here if I have your memories?
Toby: Why, you're a clone too Tobias. Of the original Tobias.
Herc: How?
Toby: Well let me tell you and I'll explain everything Herc.

(A week before Toby's "death")

Toby is in the secret lab when a portal appeared behind him and a bloodied Tobias falls out of it. The portal disappears and Toby runs to Tobias.
Toby: You look so much like me. You a clone or an alternate earth me?
Tobias: Another *coughs* timeline.
Toby: Fascinating!
Tobias starts coughing up blood.
Toby: You alright?
Tobias: Wasn't supposed to end up here... was supposed to be with Mike when he returned everything back.
Toby: Mike changed time? I know Mike and he's not that stupid to change time unless someone he loved died.
Tobias: You did. Or will. Time is confusing.
Toby: Not really. But how?
Tobias: You die from Bishop.
Toby: He would obviously betray me.
Tobias starts breathing hard. Toby lifts Tobias up and puts him in a tube.
Toby: You won't survive, but I should be able to clone you.
Tobias: In... December... Mike will... change time.
Toby: Alright then.
Toby closes the tube and Toby starts to work on the cloning process.

(Present day)

Toby: I decided to clone myself and let the clone die. And when I saw that Mike changed Time I decided to send Tobias with my memories except of this and our encounter and here we are. Now that you've found me I kinds have to speed up the time table.
Toby presses a button and a armor the looks like War Machine appears and Toby enters the armor.
Jess: What are you doing?
Toby: I don't believe in your morals anymore, but I'm no villain. Not everyone is a hero but not everyone is the villain but you won't see me like that.


Taylor is holding Casey and rocking him back and forth. Casey coos and giggles.
Taylor: Don't you worry. Uncle Mike and your mom will find the intruder.
Casey: Mama!
Taylor: *laughs* Yeah. Mama will be back shortly.
Then an explosion erupts from the floor behind Taylor and Mike and Herc's body flew from a hole in the ground and fell onto the ground.
Taylor: The hell's going on?!
Taylor: But I could-
Taylor wheels off and leaves through the back exit. Mike gets up and lifts Herc up.
Mike: You ready big guy?
Herc: For what?
Mike: When he gets up here?
Herc cracks his mechanical knuckles.
Herc: Why the hell not?
Mike pulls outs his sticks. Then Isaiah amd Tobias fly out from the hole and land next to Mike and Herc. Herc and Mike help up Tobais and Isaiah.
Mike: Where's Jess?
Isaiah: Down there still.
Then Toby flies up with Jess grabing on to him while shooting a blast of energy at Toby's face. Toby then flung Jess towards the others. Isaiah stretched his arm and grabs Jess and puts her down next to Mike.
Mike: You ok?
Jess: Fine. We just need to stop him!
Toby lands infront of the five heroes.
Toby: I'm not the bad guy here. I just want to end the threat permanently.
Jess: That's not how things should be.
Toby lifts his hand up and a arm cannon appears.
Toby: You won't stop me.
Then a second later a black blade appears through Toby's armor.
???: But we can.
Toby flew off and turn to see Jayden, Crystal, and Nelson in costume ready to fight.
Jess: Jayden?!
Jayden: Not now sweety.
Toby flies into Nelson and throws him into the wall. He blasts Crystal, Tobias, and Herc.
Toby: I'm not the bad guy. But I know when I can't win.
Toby flies out of the base through the roof. Everyone regroups. Jess hugs Jayden.
Jess: I missed you sooooo much.
Jayden: I'm ok. You shouldn't worry about me, you should've put more of your focus to Casey.
Jess: OH MY GOD, CASEY!!!!
Taylor: He's fine.
Taylor wheels in with Casey. Jess walks up to Casey and hugs him.
Jess: I'm sorry! Mommy didn't pay any attention to you and I'm sorry.
Casey: Mama! Dada!
Jayden walks up and hugs them both.
Jayden: Yeah we're here now, and we will never leave you.

(Somewhere else)

Toby lands in an abandoned warehouse and exits the armor. Three figures appear. One is a female with a punk style blue hair, green eyes, a purple mouth mask, black jacket with blue decal, black tanktop, black jeans ripped, and black boots. Another is a man with grey skin with stitches all over, one eye color is green while the other is black, an open up trench coat, no shirt, black jeans, black boots, black leather gloves and a battle axe on his back. And the last figure is Aiden.
Toby: Frank, Olivia, Aiden.
Aiden: They found you?
Toby: Yeah. Thanks for diverting them last time though.
Frank: Do you believe they will figure out the plan?
Toby: No.
Olivia: What was the plan?
Toby: The plan was to give our soon to be fifth member a mission-

(At the Rejects Base)

A black silhouette of a man is hiding while the others are talking. He pulls out a small disk and presses a button and a hologram of Toby apoears.
Toby(voice over): And he won't refuse the mission.

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