What Ideas I Have

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So I'm writing this to kinda tell you what I kinda want to do. I always wanted to make spin-offs of Rejects (great examples are Gifted World, 2103, and Crusaders) but those don't really focus on The Rejects people read, and I really want to write more stories focusing on one character besides Mike because that's what Rejects really has been, Me (yeah I'm Mike) being a superhero and my friends are just there. I really want to just write like stories about Tobias and how he's coping with the fact that he has two different memories and feelings. Another that I want to do is Jess and Jayden, how being superheroes, married, and parents kinda put alot of weight on them. These are just ideas I have and wanted to share them with you. And to also tell you the next few chapters will be character based, as it has dawned on me how Forget parts 1 and  2 is kinda focused on Jess and Stalk is focused on Jayden and I kinda liked doing an entire chapter dedicated to someone who isn't me. But I just wanted to tell you that there may be some new Reject stories just focused on one character of the main team. Anyways I'll see you later.

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