Bonds They Share

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Jess wakes up and looks to her left and sees Jayden fast asleep. She gets out if bed and puts on a t-shirt and sweatpants. She leaves the room and heads down into the kitchen. When she enters the kitchen, she sees Taylor and Isaiah sitting at the dinner table.
Jess: Morning.
Taylor: You're up early.
Isaiah: Yeah it's 1:55, you're usually up at 3.
Jess: Couldn't sleep.
Taylor: Nightmares?
Jess: Kinda. It's like when Illusion tried to trick our minds, it feels like someone is trying to mess with my mind. I don't know, I may be going crazy.
Isaiah: Nah, I kinda get those too. But is it really that, or is there a problem between you and Jayden?
Jess: No, not at all. I just feel like I'm not living up to Mike's standards.
Taylor: What standards?
The three laugh.
Jess: I feel like I wasn't the best pick. It should've been Crystal or Jayden.
Isaiah: What about me?
Taylor: You're too distracted to be a leader.
Isaiah: Ouch Tay, my feelings.
Jess: How's the back?
Taylor: Still paralyzed. Matthew has been trying to find someone who can help fix this but really, I don't want it fix. I know he wants to help but I did this to myself, and I must live with the consequences, especially after what I did to you guys.
Isaiah: Eh, no worries. We forgive you.
Taylor: But I don't forgive myself.
Jess: Hey, you've made up for it. Being our eyes in the sky has helped us out a ton.
Jess grabs Taylors hand.
Jess: We are grateful to have you on the team.
Tobias: Yeah. Who else is gonna help me build shit.
The 3 turn around and see Tobias and Crystal walk into the kitchen.
Crystal: You know, I feel like things are better without Mike around. It seems like he brings the big villains to the city.
Tobias: Most likely, since half the villains we face always seem to have a vendetta against Mike.
Isaiah: Almost Like he's the main character of a book. But that's crazy right?
Taylor and Jess look at each other.
Isaiah: Why are you guys giving each other looks?
Jess: There's a multiverse out there.
Taylor: After we defeated Bishop, evil versions of us arrived and told us that we are but one earth in a multitude of earths. They said that the prime earth is that Mike is writing us as we speak.
Isaiah: ... I don't believe that. Mike couldn't write me. I'm too weird.
Jess: So am I.
Jayden: We all are.
Jayden walks in and sits next to Jess.
Jayden: Why do you think we call ourselves Rejects?
Tobias: Because at the time, we weren't so popular with the city. They rejected us for being different.
Jess: But we showed them that not all Gifted were evil. And now Gifted aren't so bad here in Minnesota.
Taylor: Even though people who have like scales on their bodies or physical changes still get bulled.
Tobias: One step at a time Taylor.
Isaiah: I'm hungry. What day is it?
Jayden grabs a pan.
Jayden: Friday.
Isaiah: Yes! French toast day!
Everyone laughs and Jayden starts cooking the food.

(In the middle of the city)

A tall skinny man with long blonde hair and green eyes wearing blue jeans, black shoes, a grey long sleeve shirt, and a blue vest. The man walks up to a door to a house and pulls out some keys and puts one in the keyhole and unlocks the door. The man walks in and turns on a light.
???: Hello old friend.
The man jumps in fear and sees a man wearing a white leather jacket, white bullet proof vest with a green dragon head in the center, white fingerless gloves, white jeans, white boots, a white katana slung over his back, and a white Red Hood helmet.
???: Who are you?
The man takes off the helmet to reveal Austin.
???: Austin, you've escaped?
Austin: Look Jacob, I know you have no right to trust me, but I'm trying to save your life.
Jacob: What? What's going on?
Austin: You have a monster inside of you and my "clients" really need you to come with them.
Jacob: ... I don't believe you.
Austin: Jacob please, let me take you to them. If they even put a papercut on you I'll take you to the safest place I know, OK?
Jacob stands still for a moment and then gulps.
Jacob: Fine. I'll trust you.
Austin: Good. Now let's go meet the Freaks.

The Rejects Volume 7: Freaks (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now