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⚠️tw(self harm)⚠️

Y/n POV.

I woke up next to a snoring Jaeden and I slightly giggeld to myself. I liked Jaeden not as a friend like, A like like and I know if I told him it would ruin our friendship . I tried to get the thoughts out of my head and tried to get up without waking him.

"Leaving so soon?" - He said as he smiled, picking his body up, now sitting on the side of his bed.

"Yeah, hm" - I smiled and then I relized there were glass shards everywhere on the floor - "Shit shit SHIT"

"Y/n, whats wrong?"

"Jae I-I have to go now" - I said while running downstairs

"Want me to come?" Jaeden asked

"Ugh, uh, sure, why not" - I said. Once we both head out and walked to my place, I opend the door and went up stairs, my room door was closed and I stood infront of it before Jaeden can go in - "Hm, wait, its a really big mess in there" - I said with my lips spread wide open.

"Ha ha, funny, I've seen your room in the most shittiest of times, trust me, I can handle this" - Jaeden giggled. I just gave him an 'are u sure?' Look and opend the door. Jaeden's draw droped. - "y/n w-what happend?!"

"Umm... Crazy girl, tears, hate and bullshit" - I said to myself biting my lip trying not to laugh.

Jaeden's POV.

Ah, shit, she was bitting her lip again, ugh, I hated it when she did that, it just made me want to kiss her and- SNAP OUT OF IT JAEDEN, HOLY CRAP, she would hate you if she knew.

"Jae?... Jaeden? JAEDEN!" - She yelled, waking me up from my thoughts. Oh, crap, I was staring.

"Oh shi- sorry I dozed of a bit" - I said and nervously giggled. - "Um so are we going to clean this up?"

"Uh, duh, we are" - Y/n said laughing and rolling her eyes.

Once we were done I could see that y/n accidentally got glass in her hands.

"Omg y/n? You're bleeding" - I said as i took her hand to look.

"I'm fine, Jae, chill" - She said while removing the glass

"Let me go get a bandage" - I smiled a little and went to the bathroom. Once I got in, I searched for the bandage everywhere and I opened up the last drawer and I couldn't believe what I saw. A blade.

She cut her self, she cut herself, she cut her fucking self.

It replayed in my head, like, three thousand times. Shit.

Thats why she didn't react to when she got glass in her hand? She liked the pain.

My eyes stared watering heavily. I took a deep breath and finally saw the bandages and went to y/n. I saw she was staring at her hand where there was some blood.

"Hey um you want to wash-"

"Jae? Are you crying?" - Y/n said, while getting up and cherishing her thumb in my cheek. She lifted my chin and looked at me, a few tear drops were falling and then I relized her sweater sleeve was slipping down and I could see the cut marks. Once she saw were I was staring at she said: - "Jae I-Im so sorry I-I coul-"

I cut her of by quickly hugging her as tight as possible and crying in her arm.

"Why?" - I mutterd in her neck.

"Jae... it's hard to explain..."

"So thats your only excuse? Its hard to explain? Please, y/n, try it. Just try to explain it to me" - I cried and she nodded. She sat down on the bed and so did I. She looked down and she took a deep breath and said:

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