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Y/n's pov

I was woken up by Jaeden rushing to go run some errands.
But I obviously fell back asleep.
But now I am up and I have to pack me and jaedens suitcase
like what the frick man

I poured the dogs some water and food and took them on a walk.
I swear these dogs are crack addicts.
Once we came back Inside I had to make a phone call



"IRIS IVE MISSED YOU, how are you babe?"

"I'm doing really good y/n, but how are you? And Jaeden? Like things are fine right? Cause I swear y/n I'm ready to fight a bitch whenever"

"We're doing fine"- I giggled
"How about you come over?"- I asked

"Girl I was already heading to my car"

I lauged
"Ok see you soon"- i ended the call


I took out these big ass suitcases from our storage closet
And boi did u forget some things in there
Like I found my favorite concealer?!
I thought I lost it and spent money on a new one
I just rolled my eyes as I kept looking
I saw this picture
It was with me and my parents
I've always thought about them and it always hurt to think about.
I haven't changed my phone number
They could have called me...
But they never did.
I'm not better I never did either.
Me and my parents fought a lot but I never thought that we wouldn't get through it and work it out.
But I guess since me a jaeden left the excuse 'we live in the same house you have to talk to me' doesn't work anymore.
I felt a tear leave drop from my eye
As I wiped it away
I went back to the storage closet and saw an empty picture frame Case.
I decided to put it in and place it on a shelf
I'm gonna see my parents soon, it's been a while and we need to talk.

I heard a knock on my door and it was obviously iris

Paranoia takes over me as I run back to the closet and grab a metal bat, why do I have it?
I don't know, wait why do we even have this wtf?
Okay whatever

I slowly walked up, one leg crossing the other each step I take
I turned the knob slowly
"Y/n are you gonna open the door?"
I shook my head and came into realization on what I was doing.
I put the bat down trying to forget about it and opened the door to great iris

"Y/n god damn it I thought you were dead"- she laughed as she hugged me tightly

"Yeah sorry about that"- I awkwardly laughed
I from here now on Make an oath with myself that no one shall know of this.
Ok wow I'm dramatic

"I brought food, I cannot trust your eating habits"- she took out a salad and a random ass cucumber
"Iris.... we have cucumbers you know, u didn't have to just put one in your- wait how did you fit that in your tiny purse?"- I turned my head side ways looking at that hand sized bag

"Change of subject, what Are you doing?"- she asked as she looked around the house

"Oh, I was packing some bags. I'm taking Jaeden on a little trip"- I smiled
"Oooo where to?"- she turned around excited

I walked to my bag and zipped it up
"Italy"- I looked down and blushed

Me and jae have always wanted to go but we never actually planned to. Our anniversary is soon so I thought why not.
He's done so much for me, more than I can think of.
I've also been secretly saving up for it for some time now, those plane tickets were expensive as heck.

"TOO ITALY? Y/n how did you pay for this?? Do you have a hotel? Who's gonna look after the dogs?? Are you gonna learn Italian??"- iris bombarded me
I just laughed
"Lets go to the kitchen"


I took out a box of cake batter cause why not
Iris sat down on the bar stool and waited for my response
"Okayyy so, I actually saved up for this. I rarely use Jaeden's money, only for the groceries. But I was just so happy when I finally had enough"- I smiled as I put my hair in a pony tail

"Y/n I need you to give those tickets back"- iris demanded
I looked at her confused
"Wait why"

"Because, I love you and I want you to keep the money. I do have a private jet you know andddd I would gladly take the pups while you guys are away"- she smiled
I looked up at her
It really touched my soul
I think?
I felt the sudden urge to just

I put the bowl of cake batter down and ran to the bathroom
I locked the door before Iris could rush in
"Y/n open the door"- she banged repeatedly

I brushed my teeth for I had just puked my guts out
I unlocked the door and iris stood there
"Y/n are you okay??did you eat something bad?"- she put her hand on my head to check for a fever

I just looked at the ground and smiled
"Why are you smilin- wait y/n are you??"- she asked

I looked up and slowly nodded
I've never been hugged faster in my life
"HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT OH MY GOD Y/N"- she grabbed me by my shoulders and looked me in my eyes
She started to tear up
"AWWW iris don't cryy, if you cry I cry"- I put my hand over my mouth as I started to sob simultaneously with her

We both heard the front door unlock
"It's jaeden"- I shot my eyes up and pulled iris into the bathroom with me

"Babe I'm homeeee"- I Heard his footsteps coming closer

Jaeden's pov

I knocked on the bathroom door
"Babe are you in here?"- I asked

I heard the fossett run
"Yea I'm in here"


I've never ended a chapter so weirdly
Hmm I didn't really feel creative but I tried

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