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Y/n pov

Well I got the call
I didn't get the job
They said my 'qualities' weren't good enough
Well there weren't enough questions on that paper
I just sighed as I plopped onto the bed
Jaeden had started to feel better
He's back to his old self

It was 10 pm
I was still laying in bed
Not even bothering to get up
"Jae I'm bored"-i mumbled

He just patted my head
"Did u just pat my head?"- i asked
"Yes,yes I did"- he smiled

"I have an idea, wanna go find a party to go to?"-Jae smirked
He knew I couldn't say no

I smiled and got up to get ready
"SO THATS A YES?"- jaeden shouted as I have him a thumbs up

I changed into high waisted black jeans with a straight neck white tank top and a leather jacket
„What shoes do I wear"
„Oh my god babe please don't make a big deal like last time"
„A BIG deal? THIS IS A- oh ok yeah it's really not a big deal"- I smiled

„Ur such a Dork"- Jae giggles
I took out my doctor Martins
And i was set
Well with the outfit
I need hair and makeup

-time skip-

Its been 1 hour
1 hour of face and hair
And what did jaeden do in 1 hour U might ask?
He layed in bed
In his pj's
"Hey babe u ready?"- he asked looking up from his phone

I nodded as I proceeded to Putin my earrings and spray my perfume
"K, wait like 5 min"- Jae sprung up and went to the closest

I turn around for like 5 seconds
To freakin turn back around and see jaeden was already dressed
This boy
I swear
He sprayed cologne and he was done
Cool cool.

"Ok so did u text anyone if they want to come?"- i asked grabbing my bag

Jaeden chuckled
"Everyone"- he whispered
I looked at him confused

"Everyone,everybody wants to join. I guess they all had the same plan"

My jaw dropped
"Oh my gosh I'm going to see everyone again"- i smiled

Oh boy is this going to be a night

And out the door we headed
We were in the car
I wasn't even aware of what party where going to
"Babe where the actual fuck is this party u found"- I giggled

"Well I didn't technically find it, it's Wyatt's and jackys"-he said

Oh boy
Oh god
This will be
1 fucking night
One hell of a night

„He only said to bring anything that will be f u n"- Jae looked over at me

„Got any ideas?"- he asked
„Why are you asking me?"
„Cuz its the best option"- he winked

I just smiled as I proceeded to think
„Jae, go to the next 7 eleven"

„That my girl"- he smiled as he made a left turn

Jaeden pov

„Ok jae, here's a list a made on my phone. Go crazy"-I felt the excitement in her voice
I swear on everything She knows how to make me feel alive
Wow corny

The list read:
Jumbo Twizzlers
Every single cheeto
And sun chips
Vanilla ice cream
Whip cream
Maraschino Cherries
Life savers
Sour candy
And Pickels for Ellie:)
(Pregnancy cravings she asked for them)
-end of list-

Damn girl
What the fuck are you up too y/n

I got everything 3 times
So I had a lot of stuff to hold

I saw y/n walking over to me with champagne, cola, sprite,vodka, and 6 slushes

"HOLY SHIT"- i laughed so hard

She just smiled and nodded
We put everything on the cashier
The guy looked at us like we were crazy

"Can I have 3 packets of Juul starter packs?"- she asked as she took out her credit card

I widened my eyes
Y/n doesn't and has never vaped
My girlfriends a fuckin badass
Well she's not a badass bc she is gonna vape
But she's a badass because,
Because I fucking love that little psycho
And she just has the vibe that puts people in a good mood that's why she's a freakin badass
Wow that's my girlfriend y'all

She gave him her id
Once he gave it back he looked back at all of our stuff and laughed a little
We payed for everything
The total was not as much as expected
We put everything in the car
We were in the parking lot
I just saw y/n standing there
Like damn

She looked over and saw me staring
"What?"- she smiled

I said nothing as I walked over and pressed my lips on hers very gently

"I missed you"

"Babe, we are together 24/7"-she giggled

"I still missed you"
I put my forehead on hers as i just smiled

She pulled me into a hug
"Trust me, tonight is going to get out of hand. Just get exited to be waking up next to me with or without clothes"-she chuckled as we pulled apart

I just laughed
I threw my fist in the air
"Lets get this shit started"- I yelled

I'm definitely trying to write more
And make it more exciting I hope!!

Jaeden Lieberher  | love birds🕊Where stories live. Discover now