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Jack pov
"Their perfect"-I shed a tear as I looked at my new born babies
Yes babies
Who would have known
Well the doctor was supposed to
He thought since we didn't want to know the gender, we also wouldn't want to know how many fucking baby's we were gonna have

"What are we gonna name them"- I looked up to Ellie while I was holding our baby boy
Mean while she was in her hospital bed with our baby girl

She looked up and smiled
"How about Liam and Ava"

"Liam Dylan grazer"- I mimicked to Liam

"Ava hiyar grazer"- Ellie smiles

"WHAT DID WE MISS"- jaeden came sprinting through the door

"Dude a Little quite we got some newborns here"- I spoke in an eastern accent

jaeden hadn't looked at the amount of babies we had

"Oh ahaha look, I'm seeing two babies. What was in that juul"- jaeden pointed

Me and Ellie lauged
Y/n came in
She gasped
"TWO BABIESSS"-she squealed

"WAIT,I'm not hallucinating"- jaeden dropped his jaw
I just nodded, no need for words
"Omg congratulations Ellie"- y/n walked over and hugged Ellie
"Thank you, this was a really big surprise"-she lauged

"So what are the names"- jaeden rubber his hands together
"Liam Dylan grazer and Ava hiyar grazer"-
Me and Ellie both said at the same time

Y/n pov
My eyes started to water
I realized how much I wanted kids
"Can I hold one"- I wiped my tear away
Jack handed me baby Liam
He little hands were incredibly adorable
And his small lips
Ugh that nose
And his perfect skin
A kid at my age wouldn't hurt, right?

"Oh no, I know that look"- jae said

"What look"- jack furrowed his eyebrows

"Y/n are you thinking about stealing my baby"- Ellie giggled
I lauged
"No of course not Ellie, I would just really want a kid"- I smiled
Jaeden slowly stepped away
"Please take one, we have enough"- jack joked
Ellie gave him her famous death glare

"Guys we better go, there's still something I have to do"-jaeden said as he hugged Ellie goodbye
We said bye to the babies and congratulated them one last time before we left

"What do you have to do?"- I asked as we got into the car
"I just need to pick something up, I'll drop you off at home"- he said giving me a kiss on the cheek
I nodded and smiled like a geek

Jaeden's pov
I dropped y/n off at home
As y'all know
Y/n wants a baby
Well I could give that to her buttt that's way to early
I'm getting something easier

You guyyysssas
I'm sorry that this story is short but I thought that I needed to post ASAP

Jaeden Lieberher  | love birds🕊Where stories live. Discover now