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Y/n's pov
Jaeden has finished the movie
And let me tell you
It made headlines

It was the weirdest movie ever and no body knows that the director is a rotten apple juice drinking satanist that believes animals are the keys to babies.
I don't even know don't ask.

Me and jaeden were in the car going back home from the movie premiere
Our hands intertwined
I looked at him and my heart just melted
God how did I deserve him
He gives me everything and I feel like I don't give enough in return
I needed to do something for him.
I have money saved so that's not a problem
He's looking at him phone swiping on Instagram
"I can see you staring at me"- he says as he lifts his eyes and smiles
But in a cute way not like a penny wise way

I pull his face close to mine and put my palm on his cheek and kiss his lips once then twice and now a third time
He shuts his phone and wraps his arms around my waist as he pulls me closer to him
Now me on his lap his grip never loosens
He looks up at me in my eyes and I fall in love all over again
"Isn't it crazy?"-he asks
I furrowed my eyebrows
"What is?"

He look straight to the road
(We're in an Uber btw)

"Everything, everthing that's happens in the begging. The day u came to my house crying-

"The way u read my mind that day"- I smiled

"When we went to that hotel"

"When you saved me from that guy"- I giggled

"Yeah, when I saved you from that guy"- he looked at me smiling

"The parties we threw, comic con, our hang out spot, movie nights, our late night conversations about anything, god y/n"

„Jaeden I'm-

„We're here guys"- our Uber driver said
We totally forgot about him

„Thank you Marcus, have a nice night"- jaeden said as he closed the door

We were walking to our house door as jaeden took out the keys
„What were u saying beautiful"- he said as he put in the key in the door
„I um im-

The door opend and u couldn't hear a thing I said from 2 big fat dogs running towards us
„HI DUKE HI DEX"- I ran inside and they followed
I opend the pantry and got put there dog food
We had a babysitter but they are probably hungry again.

I let the dogs eat
I felt jaedens arms wrap around my waist from the back
His chin on my shoulder
My head leaning on his
"God I'm tired"- he yawned
"Me too"
I turned around and nuzzled my head in his chest

I undid his shirt
He smirked
"No that's not what I'm trying to do"- I lauged
He frowned
I went to the closet and got his sweat pants
"Thanks babe"- he said as I threw them over to him

I put on my pajamas
As jae laid down on the bed

I got the 2 dog leashes and took the dogs out for a walk


Jaeden was fast asleep and I was very tired but
I needed to plan
I laid in bed with my puppies next to me...sleeping on jaeden.
But that's ok??? Like he can breath??
I went on my laptop and started to search And search and search
For the best place I could take him.
But something memorable
Me and jae don't have any places that mean a lot to us besides our hangout.
But there is this place we've always wanted to go to.
But there's still something that I have to tell him....
I closed the laptop after booking everything
I smiled at the thought of how fun this is gonna be, then anxiety hit me with what I've been hiding.
I close my laptop and turn around
I feel jaedens movement as he wraps his arm around me and once again pulls me closer.
It's like his reflex, he knows when I'm around.
I put my hand on his
My eyelashes start to get heavier as I just drift off.

-next morning-

Jaeden's pov

I wake up to my phone calling
I look at who it was and I rush out of bed
Y/n didn't wake up thank god but the dogs head sprout up.

I ran to the bathroom as I answered the call
"Hi.... yeah yeah I'm good how are you?.....You're ready?.....that quick?.......okay okay I'm on my way"- I end the call

I get out of the bathroom and get dressed
I couldn't wipe the smile off my face

While I was putting on my shoes I dropped my phone
Y/n woke up slightly
"Where are you going?"- she asked
I walked over to her and kissed her cheek
"I'm gonna run some errands"- I said as she gave ma a hug
"Can u buy some carrots and marshmallow wipcream"- she asked as she hugged her pillow

I furrowed my eyebrows
"Don't ask"'- I smiled

I just laughed

-skip to ride to secret place-

"So how do you like it?"- he asked
I smiled
"It's perfect"

Y'all I'm a disappointment, I just lose motivation but sometimes I get that urge to just keep writing every time I read comments
So please comment!!!!!

But what do you think there both hiding?
It may be something way different than you'd imagine

Jaeden Lieberher  | love birds🕊Where stories live. Discover now