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Y/n pov
It's 11 am
We went to the party at 11 pm
We stayed til 4am
We went home to sober up at 4:30 am
We went to Ellie at 5:30 am
We left at 7:25 am
Jae dropped me off at 7:50 am
And now he is who knows where
Gosh damit jae
Where tf r u

I've been calling him but it says he's on another call
An hour passes by and I try to call him again
Yet again, he's on another call
What is he doing?
I started to get worried
But I wouldn't need to right?

I've been sitting on the couch for an hour now wondering where jaeden went
I went to my room to change into my pajamas

Jaedens pov

As everyone probably already knew
I'm at petco
With Sophia, she was the perfect person to help me out
Today at 4pm I will take y/n to the person with the puppies
I'm only at petco to get supplies
I decided that y/n should pick out the puppy
She'll know which ones perfect
I've been on a call with my puppy dealer
(That sounds so cute)
He was just telling me what I need for the puppy

And boi did he give me a long list of items

She held up a pink fluffy duck squeaky toy
I quietly laughed
"Sophia omg it's to early for your high pitched tone"
She stuck out her toung as she put he duck in the cart

Y/n pov
Another 30 minutes have gone by
I was gonna call jaeden again
3rd Times a charm

"Uhh yeah babe what's up"
"Where are you"
"I'm running some errands"
"Jae omg look at how cute this is"
"Jaeden who was that"
"Uh who was who?"
"Jaeden are you with someone?"
My tone changed from worried to hurt
"Um no im alone why"
"Hey Jae who are u talking too?"
"Y/n I ca-

I ended the call

I laid my phone on the bed
My eyes stared at my bed sheets
Never looking away
My eyes started to water as I was still confused
He would never
He could never
Could he?
There was so much to express but In the end
I was just
I got chose 2 ways to react right now

I could lay on my bed calmly and wait for jae to come home so we can talk
Or I can jump to conclusions and have a breakdown, doubting his entire love for me.

My phone rang once, twice then three times
I went to the kitchen and grabbed a cup of water
I tried to drink it but I was unable des to the fact that I was so hurt to the point that I couldn't breath. My tears and sobs restraining me from a deep breath
The glass slipped out of my shaking hand and broke to shatters on the floor
My throat started to hurt from trying to prevent anymore loud cry's
Trying to pick up the glass I broke while still balling my eyes out, I accidentally cut my hand
I saw the blood drip from my palm to my wrist
Reminding me of the beginning of all of this.
The beginning of jaeden and me

I had forgotten about all the self hate I had
The depression I got diagnosed with.
My self harm scares where not visible to me anymore
Jaeden made me forget everything
He gave me so much self esteem ,
So so much confidence.
He gave me Self love and affection.
Something that no one could have ever given me
He makes me feel like I had a place in this world
He makes me happy
And to think that he would take that all away

I walked to the bathroom
I felt exhausted from all the crying
I couldn't remember the last time I had a breakdown like this
Since jaeden found out about everything, it's like he knew how to make himself a drug for me.
I even totally forgot about my anti depressants
I never needed it
I have jaeden
Well had

I sat down in the bathroom floor
My hand was still dripping
It wasn't a severe cut anyways

Jaedens pov

"SOPHIA Oh my fucking god we have to fucking checkout and leave right now"- I brushed my hands through my hair

My heart starts to race
It's crazy that I can imagine so many scenarios happening when I get home
My face felt hot
My ears were red

"Jae I-Im so s-so sorry"- Sophia stutters as she she'd a tear

"Sophia it's ok, but help me get all of this into check out,and into the car"

My hands started to shake as I handed the cashier my credit card
Gosh y/n
Why am I such an idiot
Why did I have to panic and lie
I could have done all the shopping later
With y/n together
Instead I do the dumm decision and go at fucking 8 am
Like that's not suspicious enough

Why the fuck is petco even open that early


I rush Inside
I call out for y/n
No awnser

I run to the kitchen and there's broken glass everywhere
I saw a trail of dripped blood to the bathroom
I think my world may have froze

I ran to bathroom and y/n was washing her hand
Her face was Turned away from me but I could see her through the mirror
She had been crying
A lot

"Y/n It's no-

"Save it"- she closed the faucet
She put a band aid on a cut on her hand
Which I'm guessing is from the broken glass

"I wasn't Che-
She put her hands on the side of my face as she leaned in and kissed my lips
With no expressions or questions
I immediately kissed her back
We broke the kiss
I glared into her eyes
I smiled wide and pecked her all over her face as she giggled

"Sophia called me before you came"- she smiled lightly looking at the floor
"Babe I'm sorry if I hurt you, i would never do that and you know that"- i put my hands on her shoulders as i pulled her Into a hug

"I know, I'm sorry that I could ever think that"

"Well get ready, we're going on a road trip. No questions"- I demanded in a funny solider like way

"Ai ai Captain"- she put her hand on her forehead

"Did any of that just make any sense"- she questions
"I have no clue"- I chuckled as y/n turned around I decided to smack her ass cheek

"But that will later"- I winked

I never know why it takes so long for me to get to the point of the story
Hope y'all enjoyed

Jaeden Lieberher  | love birds🕊Where stories live. Discover now