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Y/n's POV

I look to my left to see jaeden on his phone, we were on the way to the airport in an Uber.
Just looking at this man brings me happiness, I smile lightly then look down to my stomach and smile, „what are you smiling at"- he asks as he puts his head on my shoulder "nothing"- I giggle trying to hold in my laugh

Jaeden POV
Y/n was giggling making me curious on why
"What's going on?"- I furrow my eyebrows but smile at her laughter
"I said nothing"- she puts her head back on my shoulder
"Mhm"- I hum knowing something is up
It got me to thinking, did she know? Did she find it?
I slowly started to get anxious, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.
I'll just try to sleep till we are there

"Jae wake up"- y/n nudged my arm
I rubbed my eyes and got out of the car
Ahh the smell of the airport, who doesn't love this.
There is one problem, and it's that I'm still a well known celebrity, and since y/n has been my official girlfriend for a long time everyone knows her too.
So me and y/n came prepared with face coverings, hoodie and sunglasses.
Shouldn't be too hard right?

*skip to on the plane*

It's been an hour and I looked over to y/n, she seemed uncomfortable.
"Babe what's wrong?"- I ask her
"Nothing, I'm fine. I just need to go pee"- she got up and went to the bathroom

God fuck these pregnancy symptoms, like seriously why does my body have to make me so goddamn sick.
My body gives me a miserable period for not being pregnant but when I am pregnant it abuses me.
Not enjoying it, I'm adopting next time.
Did I mention I'm sitting on the gross bathroom floor?
I might have puked like 6 times but who's keeping track.
I washed my hands and face and went back to my seat
"You ok?"- Jae asks me
I just nod my head and pull out 2 pieces of gum, handing one to Jae.
I plop it in my mouth and rest my head in jaedens shoulder, I've already seen all the movies they give us to watch so I might as well sleep.
I take a deep breath and slowly start to feel myself drift to sleep.
But atlas after 10 min we hit turbulence, I skipped out on some information.
Let me fill u in
I have a fear of flying, the take of was scary enough but turbulence messes me up.
Jae of course knew this, when turbulence hit his grip on my tightened reassuring me that I'm safe.
I keep my head resting on his shoulder , hold jaedens hand and take a deep breath and close my eyes once again.

Jaedens POV
The plane finally landed, I brushed y/n's hair behind her ear and swiped my thumb on her cheek hoping it would wake her up.
It didn't, I shook her violently til she woke up
„IM UP"- she laughed and put her head on my chest
„I feel so gross"- she groaned as she started packing her essentials back into her back pack
„Me too, planes are the worst"- I sighed
We both just sat there and waited for the plane to park, our hands intertwined as we both look at each other and grinned "I love you"- we said simultaneously, which made us both chuckle.

-skip to hotel-

I threw myself on the bed with my face on the pillow, y/n followed soon after.
"You know the pools are open"- I looked over to her
"It's 7 am"- she groaned
"Well it's either that or we take a shower, which we would have to do either way but we could go in a jacuzzi before hand"- I smiled at her
She nodded her head "a normal temperature pool should do just fine"- she got up and zipped open her suitcase

Y/n's pov
Jaeden recommended that we go in a jacuzzi, even tho that sounds amazing....me as a pregnant lady am not aloud to raise my body temperature like that, it's not good for the baby.
I put on my bathing suit and so did Jae, I went to the bathroom to check my stomach bump.
There was barley anything there
"You good?"- jaeden knocked as he walked in
"Yea"- I smiled brightly as I grabbed his hand and walked out the hotel room.

Short one sorry loves! I always start writing but fall in a bad mental state so never get to continue... please forgive me!💙

Jaeden Lieberher  | love birds🕊Where stories live. Discover now