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2 weeks pass

In the last 2 weeks
Jack and ellie are planning on telling everyone soon but today they are going
to tell there parents

Finn is still mad at jacky
But Jacky is planning a HUGE apology

My parents decided to come back early
And Jaedens mom still hates me
But we told his dad 2 days ago and he supports us

And it comes to know
Me and Jaeden are going to tell my parents....help

I was sitting on my bed and thoughts were rushing to my mind

My parents wont allow an america/Korean guy to date me

Would they?
They want me to marry a 'turkish' guy
More specificly my ex bestfreind eren

It was their dream for me to be with him

He was smart and has a good life ahead of him
But he tried to make a move on me more than 1 time and i didn't want it so i ended the friendship

My parents are still mad at me for it but meh i dont really care

I have better and more trust worthy friends now

I went to the bathroom to wash my face
And cool down

I walked out of the bathroom and i heard my parents fighting
I just rolled my eyes and heard a knock on the window
I turned my head

I smiled from ear to ear
And opend it

"Thats the smile i love"- Jaeden smiled and kissed me

I just smiled back
"Are you ready to tell your parents?"- he asked me

"Oh god its like asking me if i am ready to jump in a tank full of white sharks to see if i will survive"-i giggeld

"Oh it wont be that bad, trust me"- he smiled and held my hand

" i know but i dont want it to go wrong like it did with your mom"- i lightly frowned

"Oh come on she doesn't hate you"- Jaeden chuckled

"Maybe not the word 'hate' but she crushuly despices me"- i smiled back

He just smiled as we both took breaths

"We dont have to do this today you know?"

"No, but i want to"

Jaeden just nodded

I was holding his hand and i was walking to the door

"Oh wait y/n"

I turned around

He pulled my arm and grabbed me by the waist and kissed me softly

"How about a date night tonight?"- he said as he held is hands on the sides of my face

I giggled
"Yes"- and smiled and quickly pecked his lips
As we walked down the stairs
We looked at eachother befor we walked into the living room

I was so worried they would hate me

I opend the door as my parents head turned to me
I walked infront of them as i held Jaedens hand

(I will translate)

"Anne , baba ben ve Jaeden birlikteyiz"
Mom, dad me and Jaeden are together

"Ne?"- my mom said

"İnanmıyorum, bu erkek len mı? Bana hıç saygı yok mu? Ey hanı eren'len bırlıktde olcakdiniz?"- my dad said
I cant belive it. With this guy? Dont you have any respect for me? I thoughtyou wanted to be with eren.

Jaeden Lieberher  | love birds🕊Where stories live. Discover now