
2K 26 19

I was walking around in a circle with my hands in my hair
With 300 thoughts running through asmy head at the same time
What will my manager think?
What will my fans think?
What will my mom think
My mom

"fuck my mom"- i gasped out as i was red and sweaty
Y/n just put he head in her hands as she sat on the bed
„Shit. Shit. Shit. Dude its to late to delete this shit"- y/n put her head back

„We have to an apology video"- y/n said
I was just thinking and thinking
I was in so much stress
I knew that i wouldn't be able to rest in a while
What have i done.

I just looked at y/n and she gave me a look full of worry
I just nodded
yes we schould"-i whispered

I put on a white t shirt as y/n went to the bathroom
I decided on calling wyatt instead of going to jackys room bc i really wasn't in the mood to catch them naked or some shit
I just threw my phone on the bed as i plopped myself down on the bed and stared at the ceiling

I was in so much trouble

The bathroom door unlocked as i saw y/n brushing her hair
"I think jackt might have a tripod somewhere in the closet go check"- y/n motioned her hand towards the closet

I stood up to take a look
"God jacky has some gross shit in here"- i said as y/n laughed at me comment

"Yeah well i think its for wyatt"- y/n put her hand over her mouth as she evilly grinned

I just smiled as i looked at the bottom drawer and finally found the well waited triod

I put the sand in front of the bed as i put my phone on it
I patted the seat next to me as a signal for y/n to sit down

She crisscrossed her legs as she took a deep breath
I hesitated as i prest the the start button
We both looked down as the video started
"Ok so"- y/n sighed
"We're sorry for what we posted, it was wrong and childish"- i said
I turned my lips into a thin line
"We will be deleting these posts but we can garrenty that they will be spread around like chicken pox"- y/n
"Again we apologize for what we have posted and with its captions aswell"- i said as i leaned over to turn of the camera
Y/n went on her phone to delete the post as i gave her my phone to delete it aswell
I walked to the hall to wake up jacky and wyatt
I put my hand on the door nob as i took a deep breath

"We're in deep shit" -i sighed
I opend the door
And the bed was perfectly made
And they were gone
I furrowed my eyebrows as i went in the room to look around

I looked on the bed and there was a note
' hey jae or y/n who ever is reading this, me and wyatt left to go to the beach to get our minds off of the pics we posted we are going to delete them in like 5 min so i dont think you will see them and if you no idea of what im talking about then check your insta'

I was a little shocked to be honest
How could they just leave?
Those idiots forgot to delete the post
Well fuck

I went back to the room and y/n had posted the video
"34 thousand views and 26 thousand comments "- y/n said with wide eyes
"WHAT?"- i said shockingly

Did that many people actually?

I just sat on the bed looking at the ground
My phone started to ring
Y/n handed it over

„Fuck"- i let out
I showed y/n who was calling
She widened her eyes and she bit her lip
She tip towed out of the room as i smiled at her silly actions
I pressed awnser call and i put it up to my phone

„I know im sorry i meesed up"- i said

„Messed up? Im your Manager how could not asking me to post those slip your mind?"- she said

She talked some more but i held the phone in the air so i couldn't hear
Once she stopped talking i put my phone back to my ear

come to my office at 6:55 and we'll talk about this some more"

fine"-i rolled my eyes as i ended the call

I just let out a sigh and got dressed
I walked out to y/n she was sitting on the island with a cup of water daydreaming

She looked kind of upset
I wasn't sure what was wrong
I went over and say next to her and i asked the most basic question ever
"Whats wrong?"- i said as i put my hand over her shoulder

She had her head in her hands and she looked at me and just hugged me tight
I could hear here sobbing
I was in quick shock as i put my head on hers and hugged her back tighter

"Woah woah whats wrong?"- i furrowed my eyebrows

"I dont know"- was the only thing she replied with
"What do you mean you 'dont know'?"- i questioned

"I just felt sad"- she said while wiping her tears and sniffing her nose
"Oh and i also have a doctors appointment today and you have to take me"- she rushed her words

I just nodded
"What time?"

"Um right now"- she said while looking at the time on her phone

She quickly pulled my arm as she put on her shoes and rushed outside


I was in the waiting room
Obviously waiting for y/n yearly check up
But it was kinda taking longer than usual

I waited another 15 min and i finally saw y/n coming towards me
She had a weird expression on her face
I couldn't explain it

"I have to talk to you"- she said as she dragged me outside

I was just confused and ran along with it

I leaned myself on the wall as she fidgeted with her nails
"So the doctor did a little test on me and-"

"A TEST?! What kind of test??"- i asked shocked and scared

She looked at me weird for five seconds and then rolled her eyes after understanding what i meant

"Not a pregnancy test silly"- she lightly hit my arm

I sighed in relief
"Then what test?"

"It was just some random questions the doc was asking and while i was waiting a different doctor came in and had a sheet of paper and gave it to me to fill in , they were weird questions but i really wasn't in the mood to ask so i just did it. And then after 5 min the doctor came back in and he gave me a look and sat down and told me.. well he said uh that um i have 'depression'"- y/n said as she bended her two fingers as in a sarcastic way

I widened my eyes
"Wait what? Depression? Why aren't you taking this seriously this is not something to be sarcastic about"- i said while i hugged her to try and comfort her

"Pfff Oh relax there is nothing to be afraid of"-she waved her hand in the air

I crossed my arms
"Look, depression can get out of hand when not treated im no doctor but i know that there is some kind of medication or therapy you can take to help and  renember im here for you, always and please ,pleaseee promise you'll try to get better for me"-

Oof i havent updated in a while im sorry I've been dealing with my own problems resently so here you go❤️

Jaeden Lieberher  | love birds🕊Where stories live. Discover now