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Jaeden's pov

-2 hours on the road-

Y/n fell asleep which is weird because it's 12pm
The whole trip I had been feeling really guilty for hurting y/n like that
Ofc I didn't actually cheat on her
But for at least 20 minutes she thought that i did so the pain she might have been in puts a lot of weight on my shoulders  I've been cheated on before in the past
But like in middle school
But it still hurt like hell because ,I really liked the girl and she cheated on me with a guy that's in band
Kinda felt pathetic after that
It felt like no one would ever like me
Ofc y/n did she was always my best friend
But that thought just always kinda stuck with me.

I checked my gps and we were there in 15 minutes

-time skip-

Y/n pov
I felt gentle shaking on my shoulders
My eyes fluttered but quickly squinted dew to the harsh sunlight

"Oh sorry babe, here"- jae handed me his sunglasses
I smiled and took them
I pecked his cheek and got out of the car
"This is the Place?"- i asked
"I know, its amazing right"

It was a big beautiful house and on the right was a gateway to the backyard
The gateway had a poster on it with a golden retriever that said 'come adopt me!'
I was about to cry then and there

"Exited?"-jae smiled
"Extremely"- I grinned widely

We walked through the gate and we saw those little fence cages for dogs
We only saw 2 puppies
How am I supposed to pick 1 of 2 puppies

"Where are the rest?"- jaedens asked the man sitting by the patio
"Uh well they sold out pretty quickly"- he stood up and shook our hands
"I'm David"
He looked Columbian
Maybe around his 30's
But definitely good looking

Jae nudged my arm and furrowed his eyebrows
He knew the face I was making and he didn't like it
Baby was jealous
I just giggled as I walked up to the 2 puppy retrievers who where playing
They say my and jumped on the cage begging me to pet them
"You can get in the cage if you want"-the man said

I grinned and nodded as me and jaeden both got in the cage and sat down
They were so cute
They were jumping all around us

"Jaeden"- I whispered

He tilted his head to the side
"What's wrong babe?"- he asked

"Well..... I don't think I want one"

"Wait what do y-
"Can we have both?"-i asked in speed
Golden retrievers aren't small dogs but there amazing
And imaging taking 1 puppy away from his brother hurts me and makes me feel guilty
I wouldn't do it

Jaeden looked relieved
"I'm so glad you said that, I don't think I could have left 1 alone"- he said

We both smiled as we raised the both male puppies in our hands
"I'm gonna name youuuuu dexter"- I smiled

"And I'll name you duke"- jae picked
I looked at jaeden
"Duke and dexter, that's freakin perfect"

We stood up with the puppies
"Both huh? Well I'm glad that the brothers stay together"- the man chucked
Jaeden handed me duke as I carried them to the car
Jae signed whatever he had to sign
I really didn't care as long as I have my 2 babies
They where both very tired from playing
We had already had 1 doggy bed but since we didn't prepare for 2 they would sleep in the same one for now
Good thing they're small

I put the bed in the back seat as I put them on the bed
They both sniffed around the car
Then within an instant they laid down together
I hopped in the car and not a minute later so did jae
"Guess what"-he grinned
"What?"- i asked
"Duke and dexter are now emotional support animals"- he started the car as he smiled at me widely
"NO WAY"-I jumped up

He nodded as we drove off
"The man said that they were perfect to dive into emotional therapy training. They where always so close that's why no one ever adopted them,they didn't want to separate them."

I giggled
"Ok so I'm guessing we go to petco?"-jaeden looked over at me
We both looked back at duke and dex and saw them sleeping together in a tight spot
We looked back at each other and burst out laughing
But quite enough to not wake the babies
Yes babies,my babies

"That's a clear yes"- I said


I haven't done those insta posts in a while so I'm gonna start that again

Jaeden Lieberher  | love birds🕊Where stories live. Discover now