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5 months in advanced

Y/n pov
"Wakie wakie babe"- i said as i rolled ontop of Jaeden and put my forehead on his
His eyes flutterd still not fully awake
He turned his body to a more comfortable sleeping Position
That little weeabo wont wake up
"C'mon babeeeee wake uppp"- i whi ed as i frowned

"Babe!!!theres a fire hurry wake up!!"-i shoom him gently hoping he would pop his head up

"Theres a firs extinguisher in the kitchen"- he mubled while he ug his head in his pillow
"They are selling free puppies outside!"- i shook him gently again

"I already have u"- he chuckled slightly but still eyes closed
How tf do i wake you up

I turned him over and pressed my lips on his as he first was shocked but then kissed back
"Babe what are you doing, i didnt even brush my teeth yet"- he said as he looked at my eyes then at my lips
"I dont care"- i smiled

(*cough* teen wolf * cough*)

He turned our bodys around so that now he was hovering me
"Do wanna do this its 7 am"- he asked as i furrowed my eyebrows
"What am i supposed to say? No?"- he chuckled and pressed his lips back on mine as we both smiled through the kiss

It was getting more heated  as i heard a ring
Jaeden groaned
"You have to be kidding me"- i just giggled as i took my phone to see who called
I quickly shot up pushing Jaeden to the side slightly
"It our real estate agent!"- i said in excitement

I awnserd the call and put it on speaker so jae could hear
"Ok whats the news? Did we get the house?"- i asked

Me and jae were looking for a place to live together
Me and jae having our own private time with ellie and jacky in the house was really hard
How can i be so quiet if he is so good:(
Ok so yeah we've been looking at houses for a while
We found a perfect one but we weren't the only once interested
We've been waiting for the call to see if we got the house.

Our agent just laughed
"Yes, congratulations! You guys got the house, come by at 4pm to sign the paperwork."- she said politely

"Will do, thank u"- i humg up the phone

I just looked at Jaeden as i squealed and jumped back on him and planted a kiss
He just smild wide
I was on his lap a little higher up as i looked down at jeaden who was sitting and hugging me
"Ready to get loud"- he giggled as he whispered
I just cupped my hands on his cheeks as i made him look at my face
"Hmh"- i just replied quietly as i pecked his lips,
He turned me over so now he was hovering me as he kissed me passionately

"Hold on"- he said as he got up and locked the door
I just laid there waiting for his cute ass to come back

Ahh and there he was
Now hovering over me again
I smiled as he kissed me again leading to a fullon makeout session
He broke the kiss to take of my t-shirt
"Why.. do...you...even... wear.. a shirt... when you know im going to take it off"-he first said inbetween kisses and breaths as he finally looked at me and told me the rest
He just giggled as he quickly went back to my lips

Im never writing a smut so let me just warn ya:)
But yeah heres a chapter bc-

Jaeden Lieberher  | love birds🕊Where stories live. Discover now