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Jaedens  POV

The door unlocked
Showing y/n
She seemed weird and she looked to her left were iris popped up
I widened my eyes
"Um? Hello iris? Uh I've got so many questions"- I said obviously confused
"Me and iris were just hanging out"- y/n looked at the floor and smiled

"In the bathroom?"- I asked
"Yea we wer-
"Were just washing off a face mask thats all"- iris cut her off
I honestly didn't want to ask any questions
Y/n's eyes shot up
"What are u doing here, u need to leave. Now"- she started pushing me

"Woah woah hey what's going on"- I furrowed my eyebrows as y/n pushed me
"Nothing u just need to leave"- she giggled
I was honestly not even gonna bother try to stay
They seemed to be having fun
I was out the door
"But wh-
She slammed the door

I just stand there and look down and laugh
I shake my head lightly while a chuckle again and turn my head to the left
Spin on my heels and turn around back to the car
"I know were I'm going"- I spoke to myself

I fixed my mirror
"Wyatt you better have mother fucking drinks"

(So my memory is really bad and I don't remember if we lived in a house or apartment cause I think I never mentioned it, so we live in a house that has a city view of la)

Y/n's POV

We both just laugh
"Okay let's get to packing our bags"

-short Jaeden pov-

I walk up to Wyatt's door as I knock 3 times, Jacky opened the door and smiled bright and hugged me tightly. "JAEDEN HOLY SHIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE"-Jacky yelled
„Well i missed you guys since the last time I saw you"- I smiled as I gave her a hug
„Jae we saw u last week"- he laughed as she closed the door behind her
"Wow way to show that you missed me"- I roll my eyes.
I headed to the kitchen knowing exactly where to get a drink
"Where's Wyatt?" I asked
"He's playing this new weird game he got upstairs, he'll be stoked if you joined him. I need a little me time"- Jacky said as she poured herself a glass of champagne
"Well then m'lady you enjoy your time while I totally beat your boyfriend in his game"- I laughed as I brought the 2 cups of bourbon to his room

*knock knock*
"Wyatt baby, I'm home"-I jokingly mock as I walk in
"Eyy jae my guy where have you been?? It's been a week Ive missed you"- he gets up and hugs me
"Well AT LEAST SOMEONE MISSES ME"- I yelled so Jacky could hear me
We both laugh as he takes the cup of bourbon and we both sit down to play his new game
It's this stupid zombie game I don't even know how to explain it. I just know I'm gonna be here for hours.

Y/n's pov

"Oh my god, that was a close one"- I say as I sit down on the kitchen stool
"Y/n I cant believe you're pregnant, I'm so happy for you I truly wish you the best"- iris says as she rubs my shoulder
I have put a big heartfelt smile as I get up and hug her.
"Thank you iris,that means a lot."- I headed back to the bowl of cake mix and started to add the rest of the dry ingredients
"So how are you going to tell him?"- iris asks as she dips her finger in the bag of frosting
"Well I was thinking I lit a nice candle set dinner under the Italian moonlight, with a lot of rose petals and then I'm going to either give him a box with a cute baby onesie, how does that sound?"- I say as I look up at iris who has tears formed up in her eyes
"It's b-beautiful"- she sobs
I just laughed at her dorky ness and put a hand on my stomach
"Me and Jae are going to love this baby unconditionally"- I smile


The cake was finally ready all I needed to to was right some special words on it
"Y/n may I ask why u made a cake?"- she furrows her eyebrows
Personally I think she's asking very late.
"Well I'm gonna have to tell Jae where we are going eventually so I'm gonna write it on this cake"- I smile as I add the finale touch to the cake
"What flavor is it?"- she drools
"It's confetti my love, you know this already. You were next to me the whole time I was making it"- I chuckle as I put the cake in the fridge

"Okay so, I packed my bags, made a cake, and puked. And it's only 3 pm! So iris u think we should hit the store and go baby onesie shopping?"- I say excited as I grab my car keys
"Y/n you're gonna make me cry, LETS GOO"- she runs out the door
I cant help but laugh.

(At target)
"Y/n it's okay to cry, you're gonna be a mom"-iris says as she pats my back
"I know t-this onesie is so cute"- I sob as I look at a pink onesie with a pink tutu
Wow my hormones are really making me a wreck

"Okay okay I think I'm gonna but the other one tho, let's go check out"

Jaedens pov
"Okay man I think it's time for me to head home"- I say as I put down the controller

"aw come on man we barley played"- wyatt frowned, i looked at him confused
"Wyatt when I came here you were on level 3 now you're on level 91, I think it's time for me to leave I miss y/n"- I said as I gave him a hand shake and smiled
"Simp"- he murmured
"And what about it?"- I said as I walked out the door

*skip to car ride home*

I parked my car and walked towards the door, the lights were on so y/n wasn't sleeping yet.
I unlock the door and my 2 chubby puppies as always came running towards me
"Where's mommy?"- I asked them in a puppy voice

"IM IN THE KITCHEN"- y/n yelled
I stopped petting the dogs and made my way to the kitchen

I stopped in my tracks as I saw the the candles ,balloons and the cake. And my favorite person ever
My heart melted
"Babe what is this all for???"- I walked over and pecked her lips and put my arms around her waist tightly
She put her hands on the back of my neck and smiled
"Read the cake"

I smirked as I walked over and read the cake out loud
"Happy early anniversary baby, I hope you like Italy"- my jaw dropped
"Babe what?"- I asked shocked/confused
"Surprise, I got us a trip to Italy"- she grinned and opened her arms wide for me
And walked over to her and hugged her tightly
"But how?? AND WHEN OH MY GOD I NEED TO PACK"- I brushed my hands through my hair and sat down on the kitchen stool
Y/n giggled "don't worry I already did, we leave tomorrow at 9"- she sat on my lap
"I have so many questions, but I'm really tired so I'll ask you tomorrow."- I pecked her cheek
"Iris is gonna be here at 10 to take the puppies fyi"- she got up and headed to the bathroom
"I'm glad she is, and what are you doing?"- I asked as I walked up to the bathroom door
"I'm gonna take a shower care to join?"- she smirks
I smile "yes just hang on, brb"
I run to my back pack and take out the box. I look at it and smile.
"You're gonna be mine forever"

I cant believe it's been almost a year since I continued this story, thank you all for the patience. I really needed that break. I love you all enjoy<333
Also here's my Insta 😘 @acelya.zeynepp

Jaeden Lieberher  | love birds🕊Where stories live. Discover now