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Onces jaeden drove me home i got inside and when i walked to the door i saw it was cracked open. I almost shit myself I didn't want to go in so i went back to jaeden and knocked on his window. -"jaeden t-the door i-its unlocked"-

"What do you mean?" Jaeden asked worried-"i mean jaeden.SOMEONE BROKE IN"- jaeden jumped out of the carwhile we slowly walked to the door he hid me behind protecting me. I freaking love him
"Ok let me go in u stay here"- jaeden said reassuringly
"What NO? I wont let u go inside alone" i said , i was scared 100% but there was no way i was going to let him go in alone -"look i-i just dont want u to get hurt" i gave him a slight smile and pecked his lips and quickly stood infront of him "thanks babe but i can save myself " -i said while tiptoeing into my house -"well if u can save yourself why did u get me out of the car" he whispered
"Then Who else would call the police while im fighting the bad men" i giggled as i walked myself to the kitchen
"Oh my god" i said not being able,to breath i almost fell on the floor but jaeden caught me i was gasping for air I couldn't belive it

Tessa , abigal and nina they broke in
There was blood on the walls that read
'Back off of jaeden if u have a death wish'
And those girls ment it. I know them like the back of my hand. If they say they will do something they will.
"Y/n let-ts go to the police?"- Jaeden asked. He didn't know what to say.
I was just on the floor my face was burning with fire and my eyes were blood shot. "I've had enough" -
i whispered
Jaeden didn't understand me and shot me a confused look
"What?"-he said - "i said I've had enough" i stood up my face was serious
"I've had enough of there bullshit. I cant live like this in fear. I thought i was fucking fine because i have u and they cant get to me but i have  to do something about it before they fuck um another life than mine "- i ran up stairs and and jaeden followed i packed my stuff. Jaeden was just standing there confused.
"Um could u maybe tell me what your going to do?"- jaeden said as he walked up to me and hugged me from behind.
I was still packing my things and throwing stuff in my bag.
"Well. Im going to go to your house then in the middle of the night while your sleeping i will steal your keys go to the police report a file and get them locked up"-jaeden laughed
"Nice to know your stealing my keys"
I smiled and zipped up my bag and went to my shoes.
"But thats it?"-Jaeden asked

"What do you mean by 'thats it'?" -i mimicked him
"I mean. No revenge? No payback?" He smiled at me with an evil smirk.
He took his phone and starting ringing a number

"Jaeden wesley leiberher what are u up to" - i said while sitting next time him.
Once the number answered.

"Hello? Who am i speaking to?"
Jaeden shot me a Finale glare and finally spoke.
"Um yes hello am i speaking to abigale brooks?"

Oh no i knew what he was doing.

"Abigal isn't home right now but i would gladly give her this message"

"Could u tell her to call back. Her test really have came in. Congratulations! It's positive"

Ms brooks ended the phone call.
Me and jaeden were laughing for 20 min straight
"OM-G JAEDEN THAT WAS... I CANT BREATHEE"-i was gasping for air
Me and jaeden were tearing up.

"Ok ok ok lets go to my house now"-he said as he kisses my lips one last time.

While we were driving we were talking about how our parents would react to us dating.
"Y/n lets worry about when its the time" he said as he pit hos hand on my thigh. It was silent for 2 min and his phone started to ring. It was on the aux so i can hear. He opened it.
"Oh it my mom"- he picked up
"Hey jaeden sweety there was a last minute change in my buisness trip it will last longer. Im sorry but u can call bryan if u need anything!i left some money in the cookie jar. I love u"

"I love u to mom"
The phone call ended
Jaeden looked at me with an evil smile
Those smiles just make me so idk ughh
"What are smiling about?" -I giggled

"Call our freinds" - jaeden paused "were having a sleep over"- he said as he parked. I smiled as we walked to the door and sat myself on the couch while jaeden freshened up.
I first invited the girls
Jacky, millie ,saidie, sophia,ellie ,ivy and iris
There all my good freinds but jaeden was always my  bestfreind but know he's my boyfriend;)
Sadly there were more guys as girls to invite
Finn, jack,wyatt,chosen,noah,gatan,jermy and caleb

Jaeden came back downstairs in his red flannel pajamas.
"God how i deserve this peice of art"-
Jaeden looked at me and smiled
"Well thank u"- jaeden said. I looked at him confused. I quickly widened my eyes "shit did i say that out loud?" I asked
He took my schoulder and pulled me to him making my head lay on his chest.
"I love u"- Jaeden lifted me up and looked me in the eyes then at my lips.

I smashed my lips onto hos as we moved in a sync
We were having a full make out session

"Holy shit"

Me and jaeden both looked up in shock.
"Oh hey. Um uh wyatt your early?"
I was so red. I looked like a tomato
"Yeah a little to early. But wow, u guys are dating?" Jaeden said as he walked to us and put his bag on the floor

"Yes , yes we are" Jaeden said extremely proud and looking at me.

I was still red as a tomato. Help me.

"But dont tell anyone it will be a suprise!"- i said

"What will be a suprise?"

Me and jaeden looked at the door.
It was millie and the rest of the gang.

"Oh nothing" i smiled while looking at jaeden. Everyone looked so confused it was hilarious i wanted to laugh so bad.

Ok so just one big thanks to jacky!
finniesbby    For helping me fix my fan fiction❤️
I need to desperately learn from her💞
Did anyone understand the phone call with jaeden and ms brooks?
If not your living under a rock😂

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