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4:35 pm

Me and Jaeden where driving to jackys
I plugged in my aux cord and played 'California dremin'

I smiled lightly
And i looked out the window to the beautiful field full of sunflowers
I put my feet on the dashboard
And layed my chair down and put my hat over my face

It was golden hour so the sun was perfect

Idk but i felt genuinely happy
Like really fucking happy

I could see Jaeden glance at me through the little hole in my straw hat

"Your so beautiful you know that?"- he grined

"Well if you tell me it every day i might come close to beliving it"- i giggeld

Jaeden gave a weird look
And speed the car fast and took a right

"JAEDEN where are you going? Jackys house is the other way?"-i stood up worried

He stayed quiet


Again, he stayed quite

Fighting with jae is a nightmare
When we wher 12 we got into a HUGE fight over who got to play the roll of the singing sun flower in our school play

It was a stupid fight but of courseeee Jaeden always says the right thing to make me give in

So i let him get the roll and i got to be the dancing bumble bee

Long story short
I fell on my face and Jaeden helped me so thats where our fight ended

I sighed and i wanted to just go with the flow but... meh never mind ima go all crazy bitch on him


He just turned his head to face me giving no expression and looked back at the road

"IF YOU DONT TELL ME AT THE COUNT OF 3 I WILL JUMP OUT OF THIS FUCKING CAR"- i screamed on the tip of my tongue

"One"- i held onto the car door

"Two"- i hesitatingly opend the door lightly and stuck a tiny bit of my foot out

Jaeden looked over at me with like a scared five year old kid

"Thre-"- Jaeden quickly pulled me in and closed my door

"ARR YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?"- Jaeden looked at me as he furrowed his eyebrows

"Tell me where we are going"

„You could have gotten hurt"

„Tell me"

Jaeden sighed
And just kept driving

Fuck this boy is so hard to break
How do i fucking get him to barf?

„Hey jae"
„Hey jae"
„Hey jae"
„Hey jae"
„Hey jae"
„Hey jae"
„Heyyy jae"
I said annoyingly

„What,WhaT,WHAT?"- he said extremely anoyed

„Where are we-„

"CAN I SUPRISE YOU FOR ONCE?"- he exclaimed

I just decided to FINALLY let it go
And lay back and relax even tho i have no idea where we are headed


"Y/n we've arrived"- Jaeden said as he unbuckled his seatbelt lightly shaking my so schoulder

Jaeden Lieberher  | love birds🕊Where stories live. Discover now