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Breathe ellie breathe

Me and jack were going to tell my parents about the baby

We wanted to do everything together from now on

So thats what we did

We were in the car

My heart was racing

Jack looked at me as he interlocked our hands together

"Its going to be okay"- he reassured me

"No jack, it will not"- i said coldly

"I-im sorry"- he put his hands back on the stearing wheel

"NO JACK, NO IM SORRY. THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT THAT WE HAVE TO DO THIS ANYWAYS"- holy shit what is wrong with my hormones

He didn't reply but instead he frownd and took his hand away from mine

"Look jack i- im sorry i dont know what got over me"- i said quitely

"Your emotions"- jack whispererd

"What?!"- i furrowed my eyebrows

"Uh Nothing"- he said pack

He had a nervous expression on his face

It took me a whils to understand what he said

"MY FUCKING EMOTIONS? WOW I CANT BELIEVE YOU WOULD- wait what was i saying again?"- i asked confused

He just giggled and reinterlocked our hands again

"Nothing"- he smiled

Jack has 4 sisters so he is used to this crazy hormanial mess

We finally parked in front of the house

"Ok so what ever happens. No crying"- i breathed out

I walked out of the car and i held jacks hand as we walked to the door

"You got the papers?"- jack asked

"Yes"- i sighed
My mom opend the door

"Ellie? Jack? What are you guys doing here, come in come in"- my mom greeted us with big smiles on her face

I wonder if that smile will last

My dad was sitting on the coutch as jack walked up to him and shook hands

"Do you guys want anything? Maybe tea or coffee?"- my mom asked politely

I looked at jack and gave him a "do want anything" look
If that look even existed

"No mom, thank you. Actually me and jack are here because we want to tell you something"- i said

I felt the blood rushing through my venes as my pulse speedend

I held jacks hand tight

Jaeden Lieberher  | love birds🕊Where stories live. Discover now