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Jaeden pov

I felt shaking
What is shaking me?
"EARTH QUAKE"- i yelled as i got under the sheets

I heard a giggle
"Babe it wasnt an earth quake"- she laughed as she pulled the sheets over my head

I looked at her
"And you woke me up because?"

She just laughed
"I-i got a job interview"- she jumped up with her hands in the air with a big adorable grin

I laughed as i put my head in the pillow
" i thought u said you have a job interview"- i nervously giggled
"Babe, im not joking. I do"- she put her hands on her hips

I sprung up

"Yes you dumbass, now there is soup on the table and if gets cold u know how to use a microwave right?"- she lauged as she went in to kiss my cheek
I stopped her as she looked confused
"Y/n im sick, i dont want you getting sick either"- i frowned
She looked at me with no expression and quickly pecked my cheek

"Fine ok but babe, lets talk about this. A job? But if you have a job then you wont have time for meeee"- i whined

She just rolled her eyes
"Exactly"- she giggled as she ran to the door

"Fuck u"- i screamed before she left

I laid there
My smile never left me face
I went to check my notifications
Boi i had alot

Ok so do i go on instagram or do i rewatch the breakfast club?

Thats a stupid question
Breakfast club durh?

Y/n pov

I sat at starbucks
My leg was shaking up and down
I checked the time every 3 seconds

3:58 pm

I saw a woman with brown straight hair walk up to me
"Y/n?"- she asked

I stood up and smiled
"Yes"- i chucked lightly

We shook and hand as our awkward smiles never left our faces

"Ok y/n this wont take long, i just need to need you to fill out this paper with questions. Is that ok?"

I just nodded as she handed me an orange piece of paper

Name: y/n
Age: 19
Birthday: November 10 1998
Nationality: turkish,american
From: California

Have you ever babysat?
Yes, family members

What school did you go to? And what college are you attending?
Well thats a very tricky question, i dropped out because of alot of life situations (aka i have NOO idea)

Do you live with your parents?
No, i live with my boyfriend

Is there anything you would like to add about yourself?
I love kids

I handed her the paper
Those weren't the questions that i was expecting

She just smiled as she got up and left
I was very confused
Did she just leave?

I saw her drive away and i just sat there in confusian

I got up and went to my car
I sat down as i just did nothing
Thoughts roaming wild

Was i going to get the job?
Did she leave because she didn't think i was the right one?
Or was she just veryy weird

i stared my car and drove off


ok im so sorry i just cant at the moment

this is the shortest chapter ive ever made but also for me the toughest

i dont feel like myself anymore and i feel like this fanfic is going downhill so i need to know from u guys if i should continue, there is just so many promblems and i have no clue how to deal with them. ive been writing this for a while even tho its only 584 words again please forgive me this chapter took so long.

xoxo acelya

Jaeden Lieberher  | love birds🕊Where stories live. Discover now