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We finally arrived at our destination.
I parked in the parking lot and i turned off the engine

I sighed and i looked at y/n sleeping
I smiled at her cuteness

I grabbed my phone an saw missed calls from my mom
I ignored it and i got out

I locked the car and went inside


I made a room check in
With the staff
She greeted me politely while telling me information about the residence

I smiled and i went back outside
I opend the car and i grabbed y/n bridal style to our room

She rapped her hands around my neck
And cuddled her head in my chest
I couldn't stop smiling at her

God she was gorgeous

I opend the door
And i laid her on the king size fluffy bed
I put a blanket over her and i went back down to get the suitcases


Once i finally got everything i was worn out
I put the groceries in the fridge and cabinets
And i unzipped y/n bag and got out her pjs
I changed her into something cozy

I changed after my self
I finally hit the snooze and fell asleep



I flutterd my eyes to a stream of sun light on my eye lids

I felt like i was in an unfamiliar space

I felt cold?
I opend my eyes finally
I was in a hotel room??

I looked under my blankets
I was only wearing a bra and some sweatpants

I sat my self up
I still couldn't open my eyes fully

"Your awake"

I shot my eyes up

"HOLY SHIT"- i covered myself with the blanket

The whole gang was sitting in the living room


"Same reason your hear"- jack smiled

"Where's jeaden?"-i rubbed my eyes

"Aww already miss your baby boy?"-finn chuckled

I rolled my eyes and grinned

"He's in the shower"- caleb awnserd

I took my phone and texted ellie who was sitting on the couch

'Hey ellie can you grab me a t shirt?'


Ellie looked at me and giggled
I giggled back
She stood up and gave me and oversized black t shirt

Sadly it was revealing my cut marks
But my friends are trust worthy so i didn't mind

Soon as i put on my t shirt the water in the bathroom stoped the door opened

And a completely naked Jaeden came out


He was drying his face with a towl

"JAEDEN"- i yelled

"Whats u-OMG IM SORY"- Jaeden hadn't had seen that the gang arrived yet

Everyone was laughing there ass off
I chuckled a little but i felt bad for jae

"By the looks of it you are never going to be un satisfied y/n"- i heard Sophia say
With made everyone else laugh even more

"Yeah yeah just shut up"-i laughed

Finally a COMPLETELY dressed Jaeden came out of the bathroom

"Im so sorry you guys i didn't know you were here"-Jaeden looked down
He blushed because of embarrassment

"You guys are already doing stuff? Chill guys it hasn't even been a week yet"- noah chuckled

"Ummm, ok whatever lets plan the rooms! Who is goig with who?"

"I got jack"- ellie

"I got chosen"- finn

"I got jermey"- sophia

"I got iris"- ivy

"I got caleb"- noah

"I got sadie"- millie

"And i got jacky"- wyatt smirked

"Ok great so you guys all have your room keys now, GET OUT. And get ready cozy in your rooms. And lets settel in for the day  and tomorrow we can hit the beech"- Jaeden smiled wildly


Every had been in there rooms

Sadly wyatt and jacky were above us and that meant they had a better view
Andddd me and Jaeden kept hearing the bed moving Wich ment... well you know

Me and Jaeden were just cuddling on the bed

It was so comfortable
And fluffy you could fall asleep in seconds

I was about to when randomly Jaeden started kissing my neck
He slowly traced his way up to my lips
I placed my right hand on his cheek and we kissed

He hovered over me and he lowered down back to my neck
He found my sweet spot and started placing his mark


I hopped into the shower
There was a mirror in there and before i opend up the water i could see all of the hickys he had left on my chest and thighs

It was like he wanted it to stay forever
I smiled at that thought


I took my quick shower

I had my hair in a towl and i saw Jaeden laying on the bed

I laid down next to him to cuddle again
And of course from upstairs you could hear jacky and wyatt again.

It was like dejavu but this time it DID happen

I looked at Jaeden and laughed
"They are really hitting it of"-i giggeld

"Yeah they sure are HITTING "- Jaeden laughed

It was 7:00 pm and i was so tierd
The only thing i did was today was cuddle and fu-
And shower

What went by so fast??

My eyelids were getting heavier and heavier and i finally found myself drifting off to sleep

347 likes                         2 Comments Ok wyatt and jacky you guys are cute and all but we can hear you:)

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347 likes 2 Comments
Ok wyatt and jacky you guys are cute and all but we can hear you:)

@wtjckie: you are so dead

@wyattoleff: haha....

Ok you guys im sorry this one was really short
But hey? Why not

Jaeden Lieberher  | love birds🕊Where stories live. Discover now