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Wyatt pov
„Hey guys!"- I open my arms to hung my friends

„Hey Bub"- y/n Hugs tightly

„Ok Mille and jacky are in the kitchen, I think jackys already making drinks"- Wyatt rolled his eyes as his laughed

I smiled as I brought all the stuff we bought to the kitchen
Jaeden followed

„OMG Y/N"- I heard Millie scream as she came running towards me
My jaw dropped as I saw my 2 beautiful babies in the kitchen
Millie hugged me as tight as possible
This wasn't an ordinary hug
This was an emotionally happy hug
One of the best hugs in my life

I missed them so much
I don't know why we didn't hang out anymore
I missed Millie
"Missed u"-she sniffles in my shoulder
"I missed you too mills"-I smiled

"HELLO?"-i das jacky looking slightly pissed
"Don't worry I miss you too"- i let go of Millie as I went to jacky
She laughed

"But we saw each other like 2 weeks ago"- I giggled

"Oh so whattt, hugginggg is still cooool"- jacky slurred

I looked at Millie very confused
"She already had a few drinks"

I mouthed an
'Ahhh ok'

As we both smiled
The doorbell rang
"OOO THERE HERE LETS PARTY BITCHES!"- jacky ran towards the door

I chuckled
"Millie so you said a few drinks??"- i questioned her comment from earlier

"Fine,she had A LOT of drinks"- she confessed as we walked to the door

Wyatt opened it as I saw everyone
Literally everyone


My jaw just freakin dropped
The gangs back
That's good and bad

Good is that we're gonna get drunk and have fun

Bad is that we're gonna get drunk
Very drunk

-time skip to 2 hours-

We were all sitting in the living room
We were all trying to figure out how the juuls worked
Music was blasting as everyone had red cups in there hand
The place was already as mess

"I DID IT"- i yelled as I took my puff of my magno vape

I puffed it out as everyone was looking at me
"It was... F-FUCKING AWSOME"- i laughed as loud as possible

Once everyone figured it out
Trust me the whole has looked like a smoke bomb went off

Jack pov

I turned the music down
Everyone looked at me confused

I just smiled as I pulled the green stuff out of my pockets

"JACK U BROUGHT WEED?"- Sophia yelled
I just laughed
"Lets blaze this shit"- Finn smirked

All I could here was screaming and laughing as I turned the music back on
Everyone was already drunk in 2 hours

Well it's was only 12 am so like the du. Didn't start yet

I handed
1 joint to Finn
1 to jae
1 to gaten
I had 3 more for later on

"Ok ready?"
I asked Finn

He nodded as I held my lighter up to the joint

He took a puff
"Ok so Finn when u breath it in don't blow it out right away, let it stay"-jack smirked

Jackys pov

„BRING THE MENTOS"- y/n screamed

I laughed as I brought the cola

I don't know what we were about to do but I'm too drunk to care
Lets get this fucking shit crazier tf

We all put the cola in 1 row
We had like 7 bottles
Y/n was telling everyone what to do

„OK, so we have 7 colas, at the count of 5 we will shake them and put mentos in them and let them do there beautiful magic"- y/n jumped up in her hyper excitement

We all put our self in groups as Ellie filmed us


ColaOn EverythingOn everyone Just a fucking mess

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On Everything
On everyone
Just a fucking mess

Everyone still stood frozen as the cola was still shooting up words
In shock on how soaked they where
All I could do was laugh my ass off
I admit
Cola in your hair ain't nice
But the face expressions?
Totally worth it
With out a doubt

Everyone made eye contact with everyone
Burst of laughter just filled the whole backyard
And beyond that ofc

„Are we a-actually that f-fucking stupid"- Finn laughed as he stuttered struggling to catch his breath

I couldn't speak I was still laughing as loud as fucking possible
My throat and cheeks started to hurt

I calmed myself down
As well did the rest

We all stayed in an awkward silence
„Y'all wanna cape through a ring of twizzlers?"- I offerd

„We already did that"- chosen said

„Oh yeah"

„Guys"-Ellie said

We all liked at her

She looked like she just saw a ghost
„OMG YOUR WATER BROKE"- jack screamed


Is all I heard
I couldn't point out who said what

Jacks POV

Everyone was freaking out
„Were all so drunk no one can drive plus if we call the ambulance they will know we're drunk and we'll all go to jail"- Sophia said

„Who's the best drunk driver"- I asked
It's a stupid question but it's so important right now

Everyone looked at y/n
She looked shocked
„No no no no no, I can't drive while drunk. It's too dangerous"

I nodded in agreement
"I'll drive"

I looked at her in Shock
„No, No fuck your not. Your in labor"

„Im not in much pain I can do it trust me"- she held both of my hands while looking me in my eyes

I thought about it
And more
I looked down and sighed
fine"- I Gave in

„Ok everyone me and Ellie are going to the hospital, everyone else clean up, get sober and come visit"- I laughed a tiny bit
Bc Our situation was kinda funny


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