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I woke up to an awful singing
Ugh jaeden was in the shower  and he sounded like a dying mole rat
I laughed to myself and checked my phone for any no messages
I got up and went to the bathroom
I opend the door i went in
"HELLO? IM IN THE SHOWER"- jaeden popped his head out of the curtains
"Oh relax im just going to brush my teeth"- i said while grabbing my tooth brush
Once i rinsed my mouth i looked to my side jaeden was still showering I couldn't see anything but i could see the side of his face because the top of the curtain was clear and oh my god he's just so beautiful
I was staring for like 5 min straight until jaeden saw me
"Im a peice of art i know"-jaeden smirked

"Yes, yes u are"- i smiled to myself a turned around back to the room
"Hey  y/n?"
"Yes?"- i turned back around
"I know u don't really like these things but do u want to join me at comic con?"-jaeden looked at me threw the curtain
His eyes were like puppys he knew i was not going to  say no
"Fuck u"- i smiled and left
How does he make me like this?
I smiled to myself and got ready

I wore a beig t-shirt with band prints on it with a beig/yellow flannel and a brown leather baggy coat
With black skinny jeans and a belt
With my plain  black vans
I wore a a beenie just to be extra
I straightend my hair and only did cocealer and eye lashes bc i woundnt live with out them

Jaeden finally got out of the shower
"Finally dude were u finding the cure for cancer in there?"
He was drying his hair with a towl and smiled and looked at me
"Can u be a little more creativ?" -he

"Fine, were u thinking about ME in there "-i said crossing my arms
"Yeah yeah sure"-he went back to the bathroom and brought his towl back
I followed him bc like seriously he said nothing about my outfit
He was on his phone on the bed and i just stood on the side tapping my foot waiting for a reaction

He looked at me and smiled
Then my phone buzzes
Jaeden leiberher tweeted:
U wont belive your eyes once u see how freaking good my babe looks
Ugh all mine💖
Who's ready for comic con?

I set my phone on the table and cuddeld up next to him
"U know u could have just told me that instead of tweeting it?" -i looked at him and smiled as i was annoying him

"Wow no apriciation?"

"Just kiding"-i smiled and pecked his lips

HujjuThe door opend. It was millie
"Ugh you guysssss are adorable but hurry up we have to go"- millie said while motening her hand for us to get up

I got up and pulled jaeden by the arm
"Your so lazy you know that?"- i chuckeld and helped him off of the bed
"Im not lazy in every thing"- jaeden winked at me and smiled as he walked out the door
I giggled and followed him down the stairs

Me and sadie were talking when jeaden and y/n were walking down the stairs
I was happy in the state me and wyatt were in like come on teasing him is the funniest thing ever
But sometimes i just dont want to tease him and all i want to do is hug him and tell him how much i love him.

Omg did i just say love him?

Jacky chill.
I was getting red and i had lost total focus of me and sophias conversation
I snapped myself out of it and tried to listen in to sophia talking and understand what i missed
"So do you agree?"-sophia asked me
"Uh oh yeah , yeah yes I totallyyyy agree"-i had no fucking idea what she was talking about
I smiled at her

Jaeden Lieberher  | love birds🕊Where stories live. Discover now