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Me , y/n and ellie
Were all sitting in the living room and talking about a lot of different things that involved around the baby

"Well you know if jack leaves me and my parents kick me out i can quite high school and i can work at walmart and find an apartment, right?"- ellie asked us

"Ellie stop. Jack wont leave you and you know that. And if your parents kick you out you can stay at my place until you have enough money to buy your own house
And i will help you and i will move in with you ,because hey? I will be the godmother anyways"- y/n giggled

Ellie giggled as well
"Thank you y/n."- she smiled

"And thank you also finn for being so kind and supportive"

"Always"-i smiled


Me and finn went back to our rooms
Jack went back to ellie

I opend my room

I gasped and i was shocked

There was a road of rose peddles leading to the bedroom

I smiled and followed it a little excited to see what we appear

I walked in the bedroom still following the rose peddles

The road followed to the bed

And on the bed there were even more rose peddles forminng a heart shape
With pictures of me and Jaeden surrounding it and also chocolate boxes

"Awww"- my face was is a cuteness shock
My mouth made a O shape and my hands over my chest

I felt Jaedens arm sneaking around my waist from behind
"Will you be mine?"- he said as he  put his chin on my schoulder

I turned myself around and i wrapped my arms around his neck while Jaedens arms was still on my waist

"I thought you already asked me?"- i looked a little confused

"Welllll, i thought I'd do it again and do it cuter"- he chuckled

I smiled and leaned over to peck his lips

And then OF COURSE we hear jacky and wyatt doing it again

We both laughed and i rolled my eyes

"What a way to kill the mood"- i said and let go of his grip

"C'mon put on your bathing suit"- he smile as he pushed me to my suitcase

"Ok ok"-i giggled

I went to my suit case and got out a black biki

I went to the bathroom and changed myself

I walked out and went to my phone i sat my self on the bed

"UM WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?"- i heard Jaeden squeak

What a baby

"A bikini?"- i awnserd back giving him a confused look

"Hell no. Thats a stripper outfit. Go change"- Jaeden said smiling and pointing to my luggage

"Whyyyy?"- i whined

"Because i dont want every goddamn guy to whistle when you walk by, so CHANGE NOW"

"Over porrtective bitch"- i whispered under my breath

"What was that?"- i heard jaeden say as i walked to the bathroom with a different bathing suit

"Nothing daddddd"- i giggeld

Jaeden Lieberher  | love birds🕊Where stories live. Discover now