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This pain is killing me.
How does my happy little girl get diagnosed with something like that

I always tried my best to keep her happy
And im not that educated with this kind of stuff so im not sure if that was the problem
Im just a little shocked and worried for her
But pretty sure she will get better

Y/n is literally taking this as 'no big deal'
But i know her well. Very very well and im pretty sure she knows that its more serious than expected

Me and y/n were driving to wallgreens to get her medication
"Please dont treat me differently"- y/n whispered while she was fidgeting with her nails

I slightly frowned
"I would never"-i looked over at her
"Dont ever doubt that"- i reassured her

She just glazed at me and looked back at the window
And leaned her head
It started to rain
"Oh great"- y/n sighed

I just slightly giggled
Y/n hit my arm
"Its not funny i hate rain"- she whined

I just thined my lips trying not to laugh
As we then we both burst  out of laughter
"WHY-ARE-WE-LAUGING"-y/n laughed out taking breath breaks
I just shrugged my shoulders while laughing harder than before

We finally tried to cool down with the random laughter
Once we were both finally settled we finally arrived at walgreens
I went through the drive through and gave them the paper
They handed back the medication and i thanked the man
I parked the car in the parking lot as i read the bottle
"Take 2 everyday. In the morning and night"- i handed y/n the bottle

She looked at me
And took the plastic bullshit
"You better fucking work"-y/n whispered then giggled
I just smiled ather humor as i drove off

"You gonna take them today?"- i asked while tapping my fingers on the steering wheel

"Hmm not sure."

Jaeden didn't tell me where we're going
I was still holding the medication in my hand
I wasn't going to take any today
I don't actually belive in medicine to help with feelings
Its bullshit

Fucking bullshit

I plugged my ohone in the aux so u can play a song
I played "nicotine- by panic! At the disco"

"Oof i love this song"- i said while turning the volume up
Jaeden just smiled at me

I leaned my head back on the window
Just wondering why i hated rain.
I dont hate the rain itself
I hate the after math
Wet grass
Wet cement
Wet cars
I just dont like it

I felt my eyes getting heavy as i slowly felt myself drifting off to sleep


I looked to my right and saw that y/n fell asleep
I really hope she wont be kranky
Ah who am i kidding
Ofc she will be kranky

I intertwined my hand with hers
And i turned down the volume of the music
Being scared that y/n might wake up and hit me for waking her up

Dont judge her logic

- 20 min

I decided on taking y/n to our favorite dinner since we were kids
Pancakes always put a smile on her face

"Y/n, babe wake up"- i slightly Nudged her enough so she would wake up but also not be angry
"What the fuck do you want"- she said

I laughed at her vicious comment
"Were here"- i opend the car door and hopped out

"Let me sleep"- she said while closing her eyes again
" i want to but i cant"- i opend her car door and unbuckled her

"What are you doing"- she struggled to open her eyes
I picked her up trying not to hit her head on the car door
I held her over my schoulder
"JEADEN WTF PUT ME DOWN"- she kept punching my back

"Your kinda weak"-i giggled
"Oh yeah?"- she questioned
I nodded while turnung my head to look at her
She suspiciously smiled at me
I furrowed my eyebrows
Then i felt it
She kicked me in the balls

I couldn't scream bc the pain was excruciating
I put her down as i held my genitals
And slowly fell to the floor

I tried to breath
That girl got me
"Uhh shit fuck"- i breathed in
Y/n was just standing there waiting for me to stop being a cry baby

"Hurry up im hungry, oh and thanks for bringing me here i missed this place. BUT HURRY"- she skipped in the dinner like a little girl

"Yeah ill be there just let me suffer my pain"- i said while trying to stand up

Y/n rolled her eyes and smiled while walking towards me
"Really? Your kidding me, your smiling?"- i said while i put my arm out for her to hold and help me up

"Thats what happens when u call a girl weak, i don't regret what i did"- she smiled and held me up

"Fine u win"- i said while trying to walk

"Of course i did"- she whispered

I just rolled my eyes and laughed

My whatpadd works now so thats good
But wow! So amny people are reading this fan fic and it makes me so happy
Love u guys❤️

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