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Jaedens pov
These dogs had taken their naps and now their out of control
We shopped at petco and bought more than we needed
That's why u don't take y/n shopping with u
It's not safe for ur credit card
But i wouldn't trade her for the world


We got home and y/n took the dogs out for a walk to tire them out a little
I was watching tv and my phone rang
As I checked to see who it was I was a little shocked
I haven't heard from this person for a while
It was my manger
You see I Took a Movie Break cause there was so much going on in my life
And I totally forgot that I was an actor
And my manager gave me a year off
And so I'm guessing my years over

I Awnser the call very fast

Bold: manager  
Normal: jae

„Ok jaeden Wesley lieberer, it's been awhile but how are you doing"
(I don't remember if the manager was a girl or boy, and I know that jae has a new last name but I like his old one better)

"I'm doing great Denice, how are you? Long time no talk huh"

*denice giggles*
"I'm fine thanks for asking, well jae once that I announced that you are bag in the industry you already have auditions pilling up. Your first ones tomorrow, you don't have to learn a lot of it, there's just a lot of consent you need for this roll"

"Wait please explain what you mean with 'consent'"

"I'll send u the script and location, have a nice day jae"

"But wai-

                         Phone call ends

Ofc I know what she means with 'consent' but just
How much 'CONSENT' would I need to give if I do get this role

My phone ringer as I got the details of the script and location

I read the title and it said everything I needed to know
'What to expect when your not the one expecting a cock'
Ok the title is really weird but I'm guessing it's a pregnancy movie?
You have got to be kidding me
This should be fun.

I read a part of the script that I needed to learn
Let me just say
I cant stop laughing
It's the craziest and weirdest AND STUPIDEST movie ever
My face was turning red from laughing
My eyes were starting to tear up

Y/n came home with the dogs and she ran to me when she heard me wheezing my ass off
She just stood there and looked at me like a crazy person

I just sat there laughing
I gave her the script
„Ok,ok ohh my goddd. Read Julia's part and I'll read Paul's part"- I wiped my heart away as I handed her the script

She just slightly smiled with curiosity

julia and Paul were strolling through the park, Paul reaches out for Julia's hand

„Wait Paul,protection"

Paul put on his rubber gloves as he took Julia's hand and smiled

„Let's go home"- Paul smiled

2 hours go by
Julia is sitting on the Toilette with a positiv pregnancy test
She breaks out in tears and calls Paul

„Julia, hey snoogle bop diddily do how are you?"

„Paul, i-i am with chicken"

Y/n went crazy, she fell to the floor literally cackling. The puppies woke up and ran to y/n licking her face

„WHAT THE F-FUCK IS THIS"- y/n screamed

I just laughed and shrugged my shoulders

„What's even funnier is,is that this isn't even a rom con, ITS ROMANTIC DRAMA LIKE WTF"

Y/n smiled at me
But a different kind of smile

„Y/n???? What are u thinking??"- I asked getting worried

She fell to her knees
Haha kinda like where this is going

"PLEASE JAE U HAVE TO DO THIS MOVIE. PLEASEEEEEE"- y/n begged for her dear life

But honestly I wanted to do this movie too
It seems fucking funny to film

"I'm gonna go to the audition."- I smiled

Y/n grinned like a goofball

"On one condition"- I smirked

Yeah y'all know what happens next
Let's skip them doing the dirty;)

Okay y'all I cut this really short bc it took me like 2 months
I said I was gonna be active but I lose motivation quickly

Jaeden Lieberher  | love birds🕊Where stories live. Discover now