#1 - Prologue

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That was the last thing he heard from his boss after having a nervous breakdown. Tweek was never good under great amounts of pressure, so after an argument with a customer, he freaked out. He used to work at a restaurant as a waiter. He was pretty good, but yeah.. it doesn't matter anymore.

After losing his job -and with that, his motivation- he was unemployed for some time until being forced to search for something again. He looked and looked where he could go with his experience as a waiter. He stumbled upon some nice places; coffee shops, other restaurants and bakeries. He applied to most of them and went to the interviews. Finally, he got hired at the fourth place he went to, Café Orchid.

It was a popular coffee place not too far from him. It wasn't too big like Harbucks and wasn't small like the one on his street's corner. Just the right size he felt comfortable with. He had met with the owner, Andrea on the interview, who was in her mid-forties (at least she looked like it). She seemed like a strict, yet understanding person, sticking to rules but caring for her employees' health and morale. She was tall and a bit chubby, her hair was shoulder length with mild waves in it. Her eyes were brown and big, which were filled excitement. She clearly loved her café.

They discussed the days he was available on, which was basically every single day in the morning to early afternoon. Andrea showed him around the shop, introducing the lobby, the front, the back, the break room and the changing room. She told him about some guy who will tutor him and tell him the details. At the end of the orientation, she asked him to come the following day to begin his training. Monday to be exact.

"Your tutor will be Craig Tucker, a very reliable and focused worker. You can ask him anything if you need to, and you can come to me if you have questions anytime as well. Is tomorrow 8:30 good for you?"

"Y-yes, it is. Uh, I'll just have to come in the front door and ask for Mr. Tucker?"   Tweek asked.

"Exactly. Oh, and you can just call him Craig. Yes, he is a manager, but you boys are the same age."    She smiled warmly. They waved each other goodbye and Tweek left the shop. It was dark already as it was January. Snow gently fell from the sky, piling up evenly. The streetlights illuminated the whiteness of snow in an orange tone. It was peaceful and quiet.

Tweek relaxed and walked in a slow pace. He was listening to calm music while adoring the feeling of snow crushing under his shoes. He sighed.

Will tomorrow be okay? I hope I won't freak out like last time.. throwing a year of work out the window..

He clenched his fists and shook his head. He needed to be positive.

He got home after a twenty minute walk. He greeted his parents happily. Yes, he was still living with his parents. His earnings weren't enough for moving out but he didn't nor his parents mind. They always supported him, especially after he came out as a homosexual at the age of 18. Three years have passed since that day and they still love him for who he is.

Tweek had dinner with his family and showered after that. He brushed his teeth and went to bed but couldn't sleep at all. He was really excited for Monday and the thought of his first day stressed him out.

Nothing bad will happen, this Craig will be nice and will train me! But what if he'll turn out to be a huge asshole, or worse I'll mess something up and get fired!

He rolled his eyes at his own anxiety.

"Ughh.. I'll need to sleep."

And with that, he closed his eyes and forced himself to fall asleep.

//Hello! This is the prologue of Don't flirt at work! It's a work in progress, so sorry if the updates won't be that quick!//

Don't flirt at work! /CRAIG x TWEEK/Where stories live. Discover now