#28 - Going home

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//The title's a bit ironic cuz at the time of publishing, I'm sitting on the bus, travelling to Germany! Have a great day!//

After a 'good' night's sleep, the now hungover boys were woken up.

"Morning, drunkards." Carter banged a metallic rod against the cell door. "You are allowed to leave now."

"Hnnn.." Tweek opened his eyes. He glanced around to check his surroundings and to his surprise, he was in the arms of Craig. Stan was sleeping in the corner while Kyle was leaning on the bed's side.

"Great.." Stan managed to sit up properly. "My head is killing me."

"Same." Kyle sighed. "Let's get out of here."

They all stood up, including Craig who hugged Tweek from behind.

"I'll miss you." He whispered.

"Me too. Just.. be on your best behaviour and text me when you're free." Tweek turned around and caressed his cheek.

"Sure thing." Craig smiled. He leaned in and gave a peck on Tweek's forehead.

Tweek chuckled. "I love you."

"Love you too."

They shared a deep kiss. Carter cleared her throat and proceeded to open their cell door.

"I see you've made up but I have to remind you boys that you're still at the station." She rolled her eyes but everyone saw she was happy for them. "I've been notified that Mr. Gallgher is rapidly improving. He doesn't wish to press the charges so Craig will be free to leave in one or two weeks."

"That's great!" Tweek exclaimed.

"Now get the hell out of the cell." Carter smiled.

"Oh, right."

The boys said their goodbyes to Craig. They all promised to visit him sometime and Craig said he would be happy to see them.

After walking out, the guys didn't really know what to do. It was Tuesday morning and almost everyone had their day off. Kyle had the night shift for Tuesday so he wasn't concerned.

"Fuck! My phone! I can't find it!" Tweek suddenly shouted.

"Whoa, chill." Stan said while holding his head in pain. "You might have left it at our place or at the café."

"Are you sure?!" Tweek freaked out. "I-if nof then my parents will kill me!"

"Let's go and see, you paranoid idiot." Stan sighed. He nudged Tweek in the side, trying to calm him.

"The café isn't too far." Kyle reassured him. "I'm pretty sure it's there. You kinda left your stuff in your locker."

They made their way to their workplace. It wasn't crowded, although the workers seemed to be busy.

"Hey, Heidi! What's the rush for?" Kyle greeted her.

"Sup guys! We got a call for a large order. Someone wants 10 vanilla lattes and 7 cappucinos for some reason!" Heidi replied while grinding the coffee beans at the machine.

"That's rough." Tweek frowned.

"Good luck!" Kyle smiled sympatheticly and opened the door to the back.

They found Tweek's phone in his locker. Tweek hugged the device to his heart but as soon as he did, he noticed a whole bunch of notifications.

13 Missed calls
-Mom, 8 calls
-Dad, 5 calls

"Oh, shit." Tweek knew he was in trouble. He saw he got texts as well.

Mom: Where are you, sweetie? Weren't you supposed to finish already?

Mom: Tweek?

Mom: I just need to know you're doing fine

Mom: Tweek, I've just got a call from the police

Mom: I am very worried! They told me you were drinking in public!

Mom: Please come home as soon as you can ❤️

"Awww, your mom is so sweet. Mine would have whooped my ass by now." Kyle said while looking at Tweek's phone over his shoulder.

Tweek blushed. "Y-yeah she is the best. I should p-probably go now. She must be really upset."

"True."  Kyle smiled. He opened the door for him and let him pace out.

"Thanks guys. For everything."  Tweek said.

"It's nothing, dude. You can count on us anytime."  Stan grinned. His face looked so tired, it made him look adorable.

Tweek chuckled.  "See you guys later!"

"Definitely."  Kyle and Stan waved him goodbye as Tweek walked out of the store.

He instantly took his way towards his home. Feeling anxious, he walked as fast as he could. Tweek didn't mean to get in trouble and worrying his parents was the last thing he wished to do.

He got to the house and walked right inside.

"Mom! Dad! I'm alive!"  He shouted loudly.

"Tweek!"  His mom came running down the stairs.  "I was so worried!"

Tweek hugged her tightly.  "Yeah, I'm sorry. Not going to happen again."

"Oh goodness, you look so tired. I've made your favourite. Go and eat."  She replied and let go of Tweek.

"You're not mad?"  Tweek asked in a surprised tone.

"No, I'm not, sweety."  His mom smiled.  "The officer told me everything and she said I shouldn't worry."

"Officer Carter?"

"Yes, that was her name. She seemed very nice."  Tweek's mom said and pushed Tweek right into the kitchen.  "Now eat, please."

"Fine."  Tweek grinned and prepared his food. He set the table for him and his mom and sat down when the food was warm enough.

"And was everything fine in there?"  His mom asked.

Tweek nodded.  "Yeah, it was a bit uncomfortable but it was alright. I um.."  He trailed off.

"Yes, honey?"  She looked up from her plate and waited for Tweek to collect his words.

"Remember Craig?"

"Well, of course!"  She replied.  "He was the sweet boy you went on a date with!"

"Yeah, that one. We are officially.. dating now."  Tweek looked away blushing.

Tweek's mom clapped excitely.  "That's lovely! Don't forget to introduce him to us! Oh, I can't wait to tell your father!"

"M-mom, you are way too hyped about this.." Tweek's face darkened.

"Well, what can I say? I am happy for you, Tweek."  His mom smiled.  "I love you and you deserve a nice boy like him."

"Thank you. You're the best."  He smiled back.  "We just need to wait till he gets freed."

"Oh, he beat up someone, right?" 

"Yeah. Gallagher, my old bully."  Tweek sighed.

"Wow, I like Craig more now!"  She laughed.  "Serves Thomas right."

"Mom! He almost killed the guy!"  Tweek objected.

"Alright, sweety. Your morals are in place."  His mom smiled.  "But he did it for you, and that means he really loves you."

"Yeah, you might be right."

Don't flirt at work! /CRAIG x TWEEK/Where stories live. Discover now