#22 - Actions

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//Hello! Just a teeny-tiny disclaimer: this chapter will have some minimal violence in it, but nothing too graphical. I hope you enjoy the fic so far and I am happy for the 5k reads!! Have a great day!//

The sun rose, waking the boys up. The night was peaceful and quiet. Tweek sat up, trying not to make any noise. He looked around and saw that the guys were waking up as well. Tweek exhaled with relief, he wouldn't have known what to do if the boys hadn't woken up.

"Hnnn. Good morning." Token spoke.

"Morning." Tweek smiled.

Craig just grunted, making Tweek and Token chuckle.

"He's not a morning person." Token explained. "I still can't understand how he manages to work at a café."

"Me neither." The blonde replied.

"I'm right here, guys." Craig rolled his eyes. He slowly stood up and cracked his neck. The loud popping sounds made the boys cringe.

"Eeew." Token flinched.

All of them managed to collect themselves. They walked to the still-illuminated kitchen to make some breakfast. Token suggested pancakes and everyone agreed. After making them, the host brewed some coffee for everyone and they sat down at the table, munching on the food silently.

"What will you guys do after leaving?" Token suddenly spoke up.

"I dunno.." Tweek trailed down. "Oh! I should probably head home soon. Forgot to tell my parents that I had a sleepover."

"Really?" Craig laughed. "Aren't ya gonna get in trouble?"

"Nah, I think they'll understand." Tweek smiled and continued on eating the pancake.

After breakfast, the boys helped Token tidy the place up. They put the cards and the disks away and cleaned up thoroughly. Finally, they said goodbye to Token and walked to Craig's car.

"Huh, we forgot to park my car last night." Craig mumbled as he opened his car's door for Tweek.

"It didn't rain luckily." Tweek said and sat inside.

They got in, buckled up and waved at Token. Craig started the engine and drove off. They sat in silence for a few minutes, when Craig suddenly stepped on the break, startling Tweek.

"AH! DID WE HIT ANYONE?" He shouted. Craig didn't answer, he drove on the pavement, unbuckled himself and exited the car.

"Wait, what are you-" Tweek glanced outside and saw Gallagher.

Oh, no.

"CRAIG. STOP." Tweek struggled with his seatbelt but managed to unbuckle it. He quickly got out of the car and closed the door behind himself. "Look, Craig! It's not worth-"


Craig tackled the oblivious boy from behind, spun him around so he laid on his back and started beating his face. Throwing heavy punches right on his face until it bled.

"You fucking asshole! You filthy fucking excuse for a human!" Craig shouted from rage.

Tweek stared in shock, not knowing what to do. He froze. All his thoughts seemed to stop for a minute, such a gentle and nice guy acting so.. violent.

The yelps of Thomas died down after a minute of beating. This caught the attention of the blonde.

He.. didn't kill Gallagher.. did he?

He managed to move towards the two boys, he wasn't paralyzed anymore. All Tweek felt was rage, confusion and terror. He shook fear out of himself, Craig wouldn't hurt him.. would he?

He slowly approached Craig -who was still beating Thomas's unconscious body- and tapped his shoulder carefully. Craig didn't respond, just stopped hitting the half-dead boy's face.

"C-craig.." Tweek silently spoke up. Craig didn't react, just sat there, completely out of his mind. It seemed as he was in another world.

Tweek tried talking a bit louder. "Craig."

"Y-yeah?" He realized someone spoke to him. He looked around himself and saw the boy below him, all bloody and beaten. Craig glanced at his hands and saw so much blood on them.

"What happened..?" He asked, confused.

"What do you mean, 'what happened'??" Tweek felt tears roll down his cheeks. "Are you fucking blind??" He took a few steps away from Craig.

"N-no.." Craig averted his eyes. "Look, I can ex-"

"EXPLAIN?" Tweek screamed furiously. "I TOLD YOU! I FUCKING TOLD YOU!" He started sobbing. Craig slowly stood up and started walking towards Tweek.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME." Tweek ordered. "Why! I told you to stay away from my shit! I told you it's not worth it! Good fuckin' job!" He sat on the ground and hid his face in his knees. His sobs got louder and louder, but he managed to calm down before he hyperventilated.

"..." Craig was speechless. All he could do was stand and stare like a moron. He stood like that until Tweek got up, his face stained from tears.

"..." He looked very angry, but Craig could make out.. disappointment as well. "Take him to the hospital and confess your crimes." That's all he said before walking away.

"Wh-where are you going??" Craig asked in a desperate tone.

"D-don't leave me.. please!" He cried out.

Tweek turned around and looked Craig in the eye.

"Fuck off. I'm not going to work this week, 'sorry'."

And with that, Tweek turned back around and kept on walking in a slow pace. He walked and walked until he got completely lost. He wasn't familiar with the rich part of town but he didn't care at all. All he wanted was silence and he got it there.

He sat down on a random bench in front of a library and turned his mind off. He closed his eyes, steadied his heartbeat and focused on the birds chirping around him. Craig.. he..

He's fucking nuts. Tweek thought. And I trusted him.. had sex with him and spent time with him.. he is my boss for fuck's sake! And I..

I love him.

Tweek shook his head. NO. I LOVED him, I can't stand him anymore! I don't care anymore! Fuck him and his crazy-ass actions!

"Tweek?" Someone sat next to him. It was Kyle.

"GAH!" Tweek shouted from surprise. "Wh- K-kyle?"

"You alright?" He smiled at the blonde.

Tweek sighed. "Yeah. Just got lost in my thoughts. What are you doing here?"

Kyle pointed at his paper bag filled with books. "Took out some King books." He replied simply. "And you?"

"Ah, I slept at Token's and I uh- got lost so I sat down and relaxed." Tweek stuttered. Kyle laughed.

"Classic Tweek. I can take you to the coffee shop if that's fine with you. I don't have my car with me right now but I suppose you have a pass for the bus, right?" He smiled.

"Uuuuhh.. not really." Tweek blushed.

Kyle rolled his eyes while smiling. "I'll buy you a ticket, you'll starve out here."

They walked to the nearest bus stop and got on the bus. Kyle paid for Tweek's ticket and Tweek thanked him a thousand times. They engaged in small talk and Tweek found it quite pleasant. Unfortunately, the bus got to the stop he needed and he hugged Kyle as a goodbye.

After walking home, he didn't bother saying hi to his parents. All his memories creeped back in and he needed time.

At least he didn't have to deal with Craig for a while.

"God, I hope he gets fired."

Don't flirt at work! /CRAIG x TWEEK/Where stories live. Discover now