#26 - Hooligans

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Tweek, Kyle and Stan were sitting in the middle of Stan's room, all cuddled up and angry. They were playing Mario Party and Tweek kept winning the mini games.

"Oh fuck off!"  Stan screehed.

"Haha, I'm not playing well, you guys just suck!"  Tweek giggled.

Stan rage-quit eventually and went on a rant on how the game cheated while Kyle and Tweek ate crisps and goofed around.

"Hey, Tweek."  Kyle grinned. 


"Ya ticklish?"  He asked and poked Tweek's side, making Tweek jump.

"Ah! Fuck you!"  Tweek laughed and felt his face heaten.  "Aren't you ticklish too?"

"Maaaaybe."  Kyle put himself in a defensive position.

Tweek pinned him down and started poking Kyle here and there, causing the boy to cackle loudly. They fell over, Kyle being on top of Tweek.

"Uh.."  Kyle looked away and got off Tweek.  "Sorry."  He blushed and helped Tweek stand up.

"I-it's fine."  Tweek smiled weakly.

They put the console away. Stan was still huffing about the whole mini-game thing, but neither of them cared. It was already early afternoon and they wanted to do something fun. Tweek -feeling like actually initiating- came up with an idea.

"What about going to the park? I heard there are ducks there."  Tweek suggested.

Kyle and Stan looked at each other for a second before nodding.

"It would help me cool off."  Stan smiled. He packed some stuff as they decided they'd have a picnic.

Kyle and Tweek made some food while Stan searched for the plaid. The boys put together some sandwiches with funny faces, mostly made to look like them or their coworkers. When everyone was done, they quickly mixed some lemonade with vodka to spice it up a bit. And with that, they left for the park.

The weather was perfect for a day out. The sun shone brightly, but a light breeze made the heat bearable. Stan laid the plaid in a large shade by an oak tree and helped the boys unpack the huge amounts of food.

"So, Tweek."  Stan spoke up while having a sandwich in his mouth.


"You and Craig had a fling?"  He asked suspiciously. Tweek flushed.

"M-more than that.."  He looked away and took a large sip from the vodka-lemonade.

"What? Really? Now, I'm interested."  Kyle said with a surprised face. He drank too and leaned closer to hear Tweek a bit better.

Tweek cleared his throat.  "Well, we almost started dating, I guess. But right now, I don't know if I can look at him the same way."

"Didn't he beat the guy because he was an ass to you?"  Stan took another bite.

"That's true.."  Tweek looked away.

"Then why can't you just.. you know.. forgive him?"  Kyle asked.

"Guys, you should have seen him. That look he had on while beating a passed-out dude. I know it was Gallagher but still. It was like he.. snapped."

"I would love to have a guy who'd snap for me."  Kyle said cockily.

"Daamn, Kyle."  Stan laughed.

"Guys! It's not funny!"

"Shut up, gay boy. It is."  Kyle grinned.

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