#7 - Breaking Point

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14th of July, 4:55PM

"Hey Tweek, could you stay for half an hour? You'll get paid for overtime."  Andrea asked Tweek while she was arranging some papers in the office.

Tweek gulped, his day at the café wasn't very pleasant. He had an argument with a customer, broke two mugs, burnt his hand on the toaster and slipped in the kitchen. Every part of his body was aching. He wasn't used to working on Saturdays, the previous days tired him out.

After some inner battles, he sighed in defeat and said a quiet 'yes' to Andrea.

"Great! Thank you, I'm very grateful. Please, go to the front and ask Craig for tasks."  She instructed Tweek. He obliged and strolled out of the office that has seen many hugs and tears lately.

I'm fine. I am. Calm down. It will soon be over.

As soon as Tweek walked out to the front, he instantly regretted it. He noticed his homophobic bully, Thomas Gallagher. He didn't have time to hide, the guy spotted him immediately.

"Tweek! You work here?!"  He smiled like a douche would. His eyes grew wide from amusement.  "Now, would you like to serve me, fag?"  He asked. Tweek froze in place. This guy was his personal bully. Just because he found out that he used to have a crush on a guy.

"..."   Tweek felt himself become panicked. This guy messed him up. Tormented him for years and no one knew about it.

"Oh, don't act like a pussy. I'm gonna ask for the customers' book~"  He chuckled. Thomas tapped his hand on the counter, inspecting the boy.  "Hello, may I have the manager, please?"  He shouted loudly.

Tweek felt himself collapse inside. Quickening pulse, sharp breaths. This guy. This monster ruined him. The scars healed, but the words stayed with him. Not good enough, waste of air, useless...

"Yeah? What's the problem?"  A bored voice rang in Tweek's ears. Still, he stayed in his flashback-trance.

"Oh, this dipshit won't serve me. A lazy ass fucking faggot working here.. shame. This place used to be my favourite."  He rolled his eyes.

"..." Craig sighed.  "You know employees can refuse to serve you if you are a total motherfucking asshole to them, right? Leave the place before I drag you out."

"Oh, you his boyfriend?"  Thomas tried to counter-attack Craig's argument.

"No, I am the manager. Craig Tucker. At your service."  He held his hand out for a handshake. Thomas hesitated but took his hand.

Craig grabbed onto it tightly. The guy winced from pain. Craig leaned close, staring daggers into Thomas's soul. His voice was silent, but boiled with anger.


"F-fine! The fuck is wrong with you!"  Thomas quickly walked out of the building, visibly scared and nervous.

Craig sighed from frustration. He turned to the frozen figure of Tweek.

"Tweek?"  He called out, no reply. Craig noticed some tears on his cheeks. He put his hand on Tweek's shoulder. The boy was shaking.

"Tweek? Hey, are you alright?"  He lightly shook the smaller male. The small disruption made him awake from his trance, only to faint.

"HEY!"  Craig caught the boy from falling on his face.  "Shit. Hey Stan! Come to the front!"  He shouted.

"Yeah? Wha- oh damn! What happened?" Stan asked when he saw the fainted boy in Craig's arms.

"I honestly don't know. There was this guy and he.. uh insulted Tweek harshly. I kicked the asshole out but Tweek.. didn't take it lightly." Craig decided not to tell the 'insult' to Stan. He kneeled beside the blonde boy. A worried sigh escaped his lips.

"Should I get Andrea? I think she's still in the offi-"

"Nah. I'll handle this myself." Craig picked Tweek up and held him in his arms tightly.

Wow, he's lighter than I thought.. does he eat enough? He thought to himself.

"You sure? You might get in trouble." Stan flashed a small smile. He wanted the best for both of them.

"Yeah. I don't really know where he lives and checking it wouldn't be legal.. so I'll take him to my place, I guess." Craig replied. He felt a bit troubled, he barely knew anything about his employee, yet he decided to help him for no reason. "I don't even know whether he lives with his parents or not." He added.

"Okay, I'm not gonna be all nosy. I didn't see anything. Take care of him." Stan's smile grew a bit wider as he waved goodbye to Craig and the unconscious form of Tweek.

Craig nodded, as he couldn't wave. He took Tweek to his car, slipping past the hard-working Andrea. He put Tweek on the passenger seat and buckled him up. Before starting up the car, he dialed one of his coworkers' number. It rang twice, before a voice answered the call.

"Hey, Craig. Did anything happen?"

"Yup. Sorry to bother you with this Kyle, but this is very urgent. Can you cover for me?" Craig asked with clear shame in his tone. Kyle has always helped Craig out. Yes, he got 125% from helping, but still. He felt bad for calling him all the time.

"Yeah. Be there in 15 mins. What happened?"

"Uh. Tweek fainted and I need to take him to.. his place." Craig's tongue tripped on the words. "Stan is working till 8:00PM so you won't be bored." He changed the main topic, hoping Kyle won't push the matter further.

"Oh, cool! I'll hurry then. Bye." Kyle said cheerfully.

"Thanks. Bye." Craig hung up.

Craig buckled up and started the engine. He glanced at the café and then at the car radio's screen.

5:14PM Damn. Okay. I'll take Tweek to my place, talk with him, make him some tea or some shit and take him home. If he wakes up. Why am I doing this again? I don't even know.. fuck my life.

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