#4 - Tension

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The next morning was the same as the day before. Getting up, showering, eating and leaving. His walking pace was a bit faster and he left earlier too. It was colder than yesterday, as snow was falling from the sky. Tweek arrived at the coffee shop and strolled in right away without even looking. This caused a small collision between him and another person.

He looked up (as the person was taller than him) and met with the eyes of a dirty-blond, blue-eyed boy. Tweek thought that this person looked absolutely handsome, despite the shitty-looking orange hoodie.

"Hey, come here often?" Started the handsome stranger. Tweek blushed and nodded slightly.

"Y-yes.. I work here.." He averted his gaze shyly. The other person chuckled and held his hand out.

"How impolite of me. I'm Kenny McCormick, a regular customer. And you are..?"

"I'm Tweek T-Tweak.. I got hired a few days ago." Tweek responded and shook the hand of Kenny. "I should be getting to work, Craig will be mad at me, so.. uh.. see you?" Tweek said awkwardly and waited for Kenny to reply. He just laughed at the smaller blondie.

"Yeah. See you, definitely." And with that, Kenny left.

Tweek sighed happily. This small talk with a random stranger cheered him up. Was it because this Kenny person was so attractive or was it because he actually talked to someone outside of work? He'll never know. He snapped himself out of his thoughts and looked around the building. Behind the counter was the ever-so-bored Craig Tucker, his tutor and manager. Man, this guy is hot as hell too.. GOD WHAT AM I THINKING UGH. He blushed and walked over to the counter. The café had a few people in it, but they'd already gotten their orders.

"Hey, Tweek. I see you've managed to meet our most treasured customer. McWhoremick." Craig scoffed.

"Wha? What's wrong with him?" Tweek tilted his head and looked at Craig, confused. All Craig did was sigh and shake his head.

"Not now. Go and change. You'll get your own cash register today." He said bluntly.

The rest of the day went by slowly. There were only the three of them: Craig, Stan and Tweek. The atmosphere was tense, Craig seemed to be bothered by something and Stan didn't joke around like yesterday.. didn't even talk at all, just made the coffee orders. Tweek tried to break the silence.

"Uh guys?" He spoke up.

"Hm?" Stan hummed, signalling he was listening.

Tweek bit his bottom lip, doing his best to think about the perfect question to ask.

It can't be a yes-or-no question, it would end the conversation too soon, but what am I supposed to ask then?? Coffee? Work? Uuuuhhhhgg.

"Tweek? You here?" Stan turned his head in Tweek's direction. He seemed annoyed, something must have happened and Tweek knows nothing of it.

Okay! The meeting! That's a great question!

"Uh, when will the meeting take place again?" He asked his question with clear nervousness in his tone. He knew when it was going to be held, but he needed something, anything to talk about. The silence was killing him.

"8PM." Stan replied.

Wow. Okay.

"And uh, wh-what people will be there?" Tweek tried asking a question again.

"Assholes." Stan's answer left Tweek dumbfounded. He cocked his head to the side and opened his mouth to say something, but quickly shut it when the bell chimed.

He didn't try to initiate a conversation anymore, he knew it wouldn't work. It was only 12:00PM and Tweek was wishing he was dead. It was his third day at his new job and he already felt horrible. He wanted to know what was going on, but he was scared he'd get shouted at. Instead, he went into the kitchen and put the cupcakes in the oven. He sighed deeply and leaned his back at the refrigerator in frustration.

Fucking anxiety. I've been doing so fine without you.

He took his time to cool off and washed his hands afterwards. When he walked out of the kitchen and started making his way back to his cash register, he ran into his manager. Craig seemed tense when he spoke up:

"Where were you?" He asked.

"I uh.. put the cupcakes in the oven.. I hope it's not a problem.." Tweek averted his gaze, not wanting to anger his superior. Craig let out a silent 'oh ok' and brushed past him. Tweek grabbed Craig's arm, trying to ask him what was up, but he instantly regretted it.

"OH SHIT SORRY!" He instantly jerked his hand away and froze in his place. He closed his eyes and waited for Craig's response. The other boy just let out a frustrated sigh and asked:

"Why did you do that?" He didn't seem mad to Tweek, so he relaxed.

"I uh.. it's just nerve-wrecking." He confessed. " You guys are s-so tense for some reason.. and it's making me tense and I have- nevermind." He facepalmed.

"You have what?" Craig paid full attention to his trainee. He leaned on the wall and waited patiently.


"Look, it's fine. I vented, so you get your own turn now. If you wanna quit, then that's totally-"

"Oh no! It's nothing like that!" Tweek waved his hands back and forth. "It's just not that important!" He reassured his manager. Craig raised his eyebrow, but didn't move an inch.

"Okay, then just tell me and I'll be on my way. You're kinda wasting my time." He rolled his eyes. "If you have a problem, then say it. I'm not going to force it out of you." He added and looked at Tweek sternly. The trainee sighed and nodded, starting his little vent.

"It's just.. I have these anxiety issues and that's why I'd gotten fired from my last workplace.. I don't want to mess up.. and you guys seem so angry right now, it's so frustrating.." He sighed and looked up at Craig. The taller male nodded and hummed.

"I see. Well, you've been doing well. Just calm down, I won't get you fired for a break-down or anything, you're a human too. You have feelings, weaknesses and qualities. Thanks for telling me." Craig shot a quick half-smile and pat Tweek on his shoulder, finally leaving him to himself.

"Wh-what? What was that.. he wasn't mad?" Tweek whispered. "What the.. why..?" He shook his head and tried to focus. He went back to the front to resume working. Stan noticed him and became really pissed.

"The hell Tweek, the fuck were you?" He spat at the trainee. Tweek took a deep breath and tried his best to remain calm.

"I.. I put the cupcakes in the o-oven and then I had to talk t-to Craig about something.." He replied. It wasn't a lie, he just bent the truth to make things easier. Telling half lies was his tactic when it came to making up stuff. Saved him lots of problems.

"Pffft. Fine. But remember, it's your third day. Know your place." Stan said angrily. Tweek felt horrible. Before he could apologize, someone else spoke up.

"Marsh. You two are on the same level of career, so shut your filthy mouth before I bash it in. No wonder why Wendy broke up with you yesterday." Craig said with no emotion in his tone. "Oh, and while you're at it, go and mop the entire lobby. Know your fucking place."

Stan opened his mouth to protest, but the cold glare he got stopped him. He looked down on the ground and made his way to the mops. When he disappeared from their sight, Craig turned to Tweek.

"Sorry for that. We were tense 'cuz this asshole got dumped and called me at 2AM. I didn't have enough problems before.." Craig sighed and stood by the cashier-desk. "Come on, let's work." He sighed again. Tweek nodded and stood into his desk as well.

The rest of the day went faster and Tweek was relieved when it reached 4PM. Craig reminded him about the meeting and said goodbye. The trainee left the coffee shop without saying a word to Stan. Not because he didn't like him, he just didn't want to bother the poor guy. He went home in a hurry and decided -while having a shower- to go to the meeting.

//I hope you guys like it so far! I'm having so much fun! It's a challenge writing this, but I'm trying my best :)//

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