#8 - The talk

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Tweek felt comfortable. A warm blanket surrounded him, soft pillows were under his head and the air smelled sweet. Tweek rolled on his left side, sighing happily. Work was so stressful, people were assholes and Thomas..

Wait. Thomas?

Thomas Gallagher?

Tweek shook himself out of his pleasant sleep and sat up quickly, looking around. He found himself in a foreign place. A king-sized bed, dark bluish wallpaper and a map of the night sky welcomed him.

"I see you woke up. Sorry about this but I didn't know what I could have done." He heard a very familiar voice. As he turned his head, he noticed that he wasn't alone. Craig Tucker, his manager was there, sitting on a chair next to the bed. Tweek was very confused and based on Craig's expression, it was visible.

"Ugh. I know this could count as kidnapping and stuff. I'm sorry. You fainted and I freaked out. You knocked yourself out for an hour." Craig looked away, a slight reddish color creeped onto his face.

Tweek tried his best to talk. His voice was weak and tired, but it was understandable.

"It's okay. Thanks. Your bed's comfortable." He smiled weakly. This small rest helped him slightly, but he was far too exhausted to be able to function like a normal person.

"It's nothing. Ah.. I made you tea. It's on the bedside table. Hope you like green tea. It has mango and ginger in it." Craig said, his way of speech was weird, he said everything in half sentences.

Tweek glanced at the bedside table, and there was the mug. He grabbed it carefully, making sure he didn't burn himself. Upon inspecting it, he noticed some text on it's side.

'Best boss ever.'

Pffft. Yeah, it might be true. He grinned. He sipped some of the tea. It tasted very good, the flavour was just perfect, the slight tint of ginger matched with the mango green tea's aroma.

"Mmm, tastes good. Thank you." Tweek said and continued to sip from the tea. Craig smiled and shuffled in his chair. It was clear that he felt comfortable sitting next to his employee.

Silence filled the room while Tweek was drinking the warm tea. Craig carefully examined him, making sure he wasn't staring too much. Tweek closed his eyes, getting lost in his thoughts.

"Um, I wanted to ask you something." Craig suddenly spoke up. Tweek glanced up at him, raising his eyebrows. He had a feeling that it was going to be about his fainting.

"Y-yeah?" His voice hitched.

"How do I put this.." Craig scratched the back of his neck, looking puzzled. He sighed and kept on thinking. Tweek drank once more and said:

"No need to sugarcoat a-anything.." He looked at Craig nicely. "Just ask it. No worries, I owe you." He sat up even more, getting prepared for the conversation. The tea woke him up a little but he still couldn't talk that well.

"Okay. So." He inhaled. "Your bully called you.." He exhaled and inhaled yet again. "A faggot."

Tweek flushed in a bright red color and almost spit the tea he had in his mouth. "H-HE DID? G-GOD I FORGOT." He face-palmed and laughed nervously. "Gosh, I'm sorry.."

"Why are you sorry? I'm sorry for bringing it up. So he was lying then. Okay." Craig sighed deeply. He changed his position slightly, getting more comfortable, yet keeping his distance from his employee.

"Oh, ahaha!" Tweek laughed which caught the attention of Craig. "No, he was saying the truth. I am homosexual." Tweek stated calmly. "I just don't admit it that openly, I think no one should have to 'come out' or something, hehe. But that's just my opinion." Tweek added and finished his delicious drink.

"Y-you are gay then?" Craig asked again with an obvious shock in his tone. "Like, really?"

"Yeah. I am 100% sure about that." Tweek chuckled. "Why are you so shocked? Are you gay too or something?" He asked the boy jokingly. However, when he saw Craig widen his eyes and get embarrassed, he started to question his reality. "Wait. You are?" He asked carefully, watching as Craig averted his gaze almost immediately.

"Bi.." Craig replied silently. "Had a gf once, but.. I prefer guys.." He confessed, now completely sunken in his chair.

Tweek put his mug down slowly, unsure what to ask or say. They were looking at each other in total silence until the tension was so high, they burst out laughing.

"Oh god."  Craig sighed, calming himself.  "We got to know each other in a way I never though we would."  He chuckled.

"Pffft, yeah."  Tweek agreed and then remembered that he's at Craig's place.  "Shit. What's the time?"

"Oh right, totally forgot you're a guest."  Craig glanced at his phone. "Oh wow, 6:30PM. I'll take you home." He stood up and took the mug into the kitchen. Then he brought Tweek's jacket and shoes in his bedroom.

"You're still in your uniform as I didn't change you of course." He joked and gave Tweek's stuff to him.

Before Tweek knew it, they were already in Craig's car. He was driving the dark blue Volvo slowly, while Tweek was giving directions.

"And turn left here. Go 'till the green house." Tweek instructed him. When they arrived, Tweek got out but Craig stepped out of the car as well.

Before they got to the door, Craig spoke up: "You'll get Monday and Tuesday off. Rest up and come to work fresh."

"Ah, thank you very much. That's nice of you." Tweek replied gratefully.

"One more thing, your hairband. I took it off your wrist when I put you to bed." Tweek took it, he felt himself flush as their hand touched.

Agh what the fuck I wanna die right here, why am I so damn nervous??

"Th-thank you. And thanks for the lift."

"It's nothing. Goodnight." Craig smiled at Tweek.

"Goodnight." Tweek smiled back and walked inside. He closed the door and leaned on it. He clenched his shirt right above his heart. A shaky breath escaped his lips and he felt himself smile.

"Wow.." Tweek felt happy, he was looking forward to seeing Craig again.

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