#12 - Dorks

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After leaving the break room, Tweek walked back to the storage. Upon entering, he noticed Kyle was on the phone playing some kind of endless runner.

"Uh, Kyle?" Tweek called out silently, trying not to startle him.

"Oh shit!" Kyle almost dropped his phone. "Jesus! Please don't tell Andrea!" He stood up and put his phone in his back pocket.

"Oh, no. I would't do that! I'm not an asshole." Tweek grinned. His soon-to-be superior was sure a quirky person. Acting all cold and professional while being a dork. "What should I do now that you're done with this?"

"Ah, em." Kyle stuttered. He took his time to think and came up with something. "Well, you have two hours left till 16 so I guess you can go out to the front. There's Lottie there.. I think.." Kyle laughed nervously. "I'm sorry. It's not my day definitely."

"It's fine, I'm gonna go there then." Tweek smiled warmly.

"Okay. Cool. That's good."

"You feeling fine though?" Tweek asked before walking out.

"Yeah, I am. It's just Andrea.. she might be on her period. Shouted at me and Craig when we opened the store." Kyle looked away.

"Really?" Tweek raised his eyebrows. Andrea wasn't like that.. something must have happened.

"It's nothing that serious. Don't worry about it." Kyle did a not very convincing smile, signalling he didn't really want to continue with the topic.

"Fine, I'm not gonna ask." Tweek smiled back and walked out.

Damn, I just can't wait for the drama... that's just going to be great. Tweek felt himself tense up at the thought of work fights. He always tried his best not to stir up anything bad at his previous workplace and this one was going to be the same.

Just lay low and don't anger anyone. Oh god it's gonna be so bad.

The rest of his shift went by fine, Andrea kept being in her office, having some problems with a bunch of papers. Lottie was nice as always and the waves of customers slowly died down. About ten minutes before the end of his day, three guys walked in. They were very loud, well.. one of them was.

"And then she dared me to do a front flip!" One of them shouted to the two other teens.

"D-d-did you do i-it?" A boy with crutches asked.

"Well of course! I'm no pussy!"

"My god. Did you hurt yourself?"  A black skinned boy spoke up, looking visibly concerned. The loud boy laughed.

"Pfft, nah! It was easy."  He boasted.

"Is that why you've been limping for the past few days?"  The concerned boy asked once again.

"Uh, I don't know what you're talking about." 

"It's ve-ve-very noticable." 

When they reached the counter, the front flip boy slammed his hands on the board.

"Sh-shut up!"  He blushed from embarrassment. Tweek, seeing they didn't notice him, tried to catch their attention.

"Welcome to café Orchid.. uh.. can I help you guys?"  Tweek tried staying nice.

"Oh sorry for that. Clyde has no sense of politeness."  The dark skinned boy apologised and shot a small glare at this Clyde person. "We just came to see Craig."

"Y-yeah he wa-wa-was supposed to meet us an hour ago. Is he working o-overtime?" 

"Uuuh.."  Tweek trailed off. He wasn't allowed to talk to customers about his coworkers. "Are you his friends?"  He asked.

"Yup!"  Clyde exclaimed. "I'm Clyde, this is Token and Jimmy!"  He pointed at his friends. The dark-skinned boy was Token and the other was Jimmy.

"It's nice to meet you guys. Uh.. he is working overtime, I guess."  Tweek scratched his head. "He didn't tell me though, sorry."

"Wait."  Token spoke up.  "Are you by chance, called Tweek?" 

Tweek tensed up. Did Craig talk about him?  "Uuh.. yes I am. Why?"

"Oh he said a lot about you. You were his trainee and stuff, right?"  Token smiled. Tweek felt himself heat up.

"Y-yeah. That's true. Did he tell you guys that I suck or something?"  Tweek asked carefully.

"Oh no!"  Clyde said rather loudly.  "Quite the opposite."  He grinned. Jimmy nudged him weakly.

"Not now, C-Clyde. Erm.. this is a bit awkward so I think w-w-we should order so-so-something while we're waiting here."  Jimmy suggested. Token nodded and they all ordered some coffee and pastries.

The guys sat down at a table and Tweek was able to resume working. After a few minutes, Craig came up to the front.

"Your day's over, Tweek. Was everything fine?" He asked. Tweek glanced at the three guys' table.

"Yup! But uh.. your friends are sitting right there. I think you were supposed to meet them or something.." Tweek pointed at the table. Craig facepalmed.

"Ugh. I fucking texted Clyde that I'm working overtime." He sighed. "We were gonna go and buy some shit for Token. He wants to make a cake or something." He explained and called out to the boys.

"Dumbfucks!" He shouted. "I texted you. Why do you have your fucking phones on you?"

The boys came over, Clyde being visibly shocked. "Now, Tucker. You take that back!"

"Take back what, Donovan? You being a total idiot?"

"At least I'm not a freaking douche!"

They started arguing, calling each other names and saying harsh insults. They almost started getting physical when Tweek felt the need to step in.

"Guys.. uuh let's not do this.." Tweek tried calming them. Token pinched his nose.

"This always happens. We can't do anything about it." He rolled his eyes. Tweek became anxious, he didn't want the boys to argue for nothing. Craig noticed his employee's concern so he stopped with his stupidity.

"Fine. Sorry for calling you dumbfucks. Here, you happy?"

Clyde let out a loud 'HA!' and celebrated his victory. Craig looked at Tweek and spoke up.

"Clyde is ridiculously easy to tame." He rolled his eyes.  "You know what? If you wanna come along, then you're welcomed." He said. Tweek felt a bit reluctant, but before he could hesitate, the boys spoke up.

"Yeah, come with us!" Clyde said excitedly. Token and Jimmy nodded, signalling they were fine with Tweek coming.

"Aah.." Tweek felt pressured, he couldn't say no to all these dorks. "Fine, I'm coming then.." He smiled lightly.

"Good." Craig said in a pleased tone. "Let's go change then. I don't want to spend more time here than necessary."

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