#31 - Pictures and Chatting

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//Back in Hungary^^//

"Oh, Richard, could you get the pictures?"

"M-mom! Jesus! No need for those!" Tweek protested. Craig just sat there, totally amused with the situation.

"One second, Honey." Tweek's father stood up and disappeared in the living room.

Craig took the opportunity to whisper to Tweek:

"Your parents are awesome."

Tweek jolted. "No! They're embarrassing." He whispered back.

"What are even in those pictures?" Craig raised his eyebrows.

"More embarrasing stuff." Tweek sighed.

At that moment, his father came back witg a brick-sized photo album and a satisfied grin on his face.

"We've looked at these many times. Such a nice feeling to see our son grow up." Tweek's mother took the album.

"I think I'm going to vomit." Tweek hid his red face.

"Oh, you love it, son." His father nudged him. "Now, Craig. Would you like to glance through it?"

"Hell yeah." That's all he said before he took the album. He instantly opened it and started giggling. He just couldn't hold his laugh in, Tweek's toddler picture just amused him.

"Awww, you're eating sand.." Craig breathed out.

"Shut up." Tweek crossed his arms.

For the rest of the evening, Tweek's family kept embarrasing the blonde boy, showing pictures and sharing funny stories of him. Craig listened with delight and they all bonded around the dining table.

Both of Tweek's parents seemed to like Craig, everyone kept joking around and having fun. Tweek's mom was the most interesred in the boy, she kept asking questions to get to know him better.

It was already 10PM when they looked at the time.

"Oh dear, it's a bit late for you to leave the house.." Tweek's mom said in a worried tone.  "Why don't you stay the night?"

"It's okay, I have my car a few blocks away."  Craig tried declining.

"Nonono, it's too dark outside! You must be very tired, I will not allow you to drive at this time, especially after all the things you've done for Tweek."  Tweek's mom insisted, making Craig sigh in defeat.

"Fine, ma'am. I'll stay."

"Then it's settled!"  The female clapped.

They've tidied the rooms. Craig tried helping but Tweek and his parents didn't let him. The whole family was polite and nice. Craig felt happy for them, but jealousy washed over him. After his father died, everything collapsed in front of him. His dreams, his passion, even some of his friends drifted away as they didn't know how to deal with the mourning boy.

"You don't have pajamas, right?"  Tweek's question shook him out of his memories.

"Why would I have pajamas?"  He asked in a confused tone.

"Right."  Tweek rolled his eyes.  "I think I have some over-sized clothes in my room."

"Wait, are we going to sleep in your room?"

Tweek blinked.  "Where else would we sleep?"

"I mean."  Craig put his hand on the back of his neck.  "We'll sleep in your bed? Together?"

"You don't want to?"  Tweek asked.

"No, it's just.. are you comfortable with it?"  Craig looked in Tweek's eyes. They sparkled with joy.

"Of course!"  Tweek exclaimed and embraced him.  "I really think my feelings are serious. I would love to sleep together."

Craig returned the hug and sighed deeply. He wanted to respect Tweek's wishes, he didn't want to do things the smaller male didn't agree.

They both went up to Tweek's room. Craig took the chance to glance around, trying to process every detail. The wall was a darker green-ish colour, the floor had a carpet on it and everything seemed mostly tidy.

"Welcome to my humbe room."  Tweek turned around and smiled.  "It used to be a bit more dirty but it's clean now."

"Looks cool."  Craig complemented his room.  "What's that?"  He pointed at a framed paper.

Tweek followed Craig's direction of view. He let out a small 'oh!' and walked to the frame to take it down.

"This is my award paper thingy for a Maths competition. I was.. seventeen I think."  Tweek looked at the frame, remembering the good times. Well, good times minus Gallagher.

Craig walked to the frame. He inspected it and felt shock rush over him.

"You aced the test??" Craig asked, barely believing Tweek's achievement.

Tweek blushed.  "Maybe.. but both of us know what happened after that so yeah.. it's all been for nothing."  He put the frame back.

Craig felt himself frown. He couldn't bear to see his lover in such a negative state.

"Babe."  Craig spun him around.  "You're intelligent. Even if you've given up on being an engineer, you could lead the café or at least be a manager. You have the brains for it."  He held Tweek's hands to his chest.

"Ah.."  Tweek looked away.  "That would be too much to do. Too much pressure."

"You can do more than you think. I know it. At the café, you're absolutely reliable and fast and polite and so on. Do I have to make a list for you?"  Craig stepped closer to Tweek.

"No need."  Tweek smiled.  "You know how to say stuff. Even if you're mostly silent at work."

Craig chuckled.  "I only talk normally with people who deserve it. Except Clyde. He enjoys his priviledge. Oh, reminds me."  He leaned in.  "Why did you ignore me for weeks?"

"Well... I didn't want to use you."  Tweek replied simply.

"Elaborate."  Craig smiled warmly.

"You helped me so many times and I couldn't return the favor."  Tweek looked away again, but Craig pulled his head back to face him. "Ah- and I started liking you and I didn't know if you liked boys or not."

"Whoa, you're one oblivious bitch."

"Hey!"  Tweek punched him.

"Hehe, sorry. What I mean is that I started liking you and giving you signs but you always pushed me away."  Craig explained and gave a forehead kiss on Tweek's head.

"Oh."  Tweek puffed his lips.  "At least we realised it. Thanks to Gallagher."

"Ahahaha, yeah." 

//I don't know when, but we reached 11k reads! I'm so glad that you guys seem to like the story! It just motivates me more. I'll keep on writing and trying my best. I hope I will not disappoint anyone!<3//

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