#10 - Free time (pt.2)

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After a good 15 minutes of travelling, he arrived at the mall. Parking wasn't too difficult, he locked his suit in the rear container and walked into the building with his helmet in his backpack. The bike was too cool to be able to hold a helmet.

Okay, let's go find some shops! He smiled and started his spree.

He went into almost every single clothing store the huge establishment had. From thrift shops to brand stores, he glanced in every corner. Finding clothes has always been difficult for Tweek as he wasn't interested in fashion that much. He knew what suited him and that was all that he needed.

At the end of his spree, it was 2PM. His hunt was a success, he got some nice clothes:

5 T-shirts (2 v-necks and 1 sleeveless),

2 shirts (1 long sleeve, 1 short sleeve),

A pair of shorts (knee-length),

A black beanie,

And some cool boxers.

Satisfied with his loot, he sat down at the dining area after buying some bubble tea. He wasn't feeling hungry at all for some reason. He was calmly slurping his cold tea while browsing his phone, when he felt a slight tap on his shoulder. He looked up and saw a familiar female.

"Bebe?" Tweek smiled.

Bebe Stevens. A charming female. She was beautiful and nice at the same time, earning quite the amount of fans at the coffee shop. Too bad she had a boyfriend.

"Hey, Tweek! I see you did some huge shopping today." She glanced at the three shopping bags Tweek had on the couch beside him. Tweek rubbed his scalp in embarrassment.

"Oh, yeah. Needed new clothes." He nodded. "And what are you doing here?"

"I'm meeting with Wendy." Bebe answered.

"Uuuh.. Wendy? Is she your friend?" Tweek reluctantly asked.

"Oh gosh, I forgot you don't know her! Yes, she's my best friend. You might have heard of her from Stan Douche." She rolled her eyes.

"Okay, so she's the Wendy who broke up with Stan, right?"

"Exactly. After he didn't care for her enough and was a total jerk!" Bebe slammed the table but quickly realised she got carried away. "Shit! Sorry.. I guess I kind of took it to heart, didn't I..?" She blushed slightly.

"Haha, yep." Tweek grinned. He noticed a dark-haired girl in the distance trying to wave at them. "Is she Wendy?" He asked.

Bebe turned around. "Yes! Thanks, Tweek. Have to go now.. you know how girls work." She shrugged and smiled.

"Haha, have fun!"

"You too, Tweek! See ya on Wednesday!" They hugged and Bebe paced off to meet her friend.

Tweek was left alone with his thoughts. His mind wandered to a weird place. Yesterday's event.

Why was Thomas there? What did Craig say to him? Why did Craig care about him? All these questions and many more crossed his mind. He shook his head, clearing his thoughts.

We'll see what's gonna happen.. but what if he's just playing me?

Paranoia hit him, but he tried his best not to focus. He took a large sip from his bubble tea and stood up, deciding to go to the hairdresser's.

He looked in the mirror after his hair was done. His hair got tamed and styled very well. Satisfied, he gave a tip to the hairdresser and left the place.

Tweek walked to his motorbike and got his leathet suit out. Before he was done with dressing, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He twitched violently, letting a quiet 'ah' out.

"Sorry Tweek, I scared you, didn't I?" A certain Stan Marsh spoke up.

"Stan! You fucking asshole!" Tweek punched him in the arm. "You can't just do that, my god!" He screeched angrily.

"You should see your face. You look hilarious." Stan grinned. "Anyway, I didn't know you had a bike. Looks sick, dude." He pointed at the motorcycle.

Tweek rolled his eyes. "Thanks. Didn't really ride him lately."

"Oh, your bike's a he? That's gay." Stan joked. Tweek just sighed, annoyed.

"I know, right?" He zipped his suit up and sat on his bike. "Gotta go now. Oh, and be on the look-out for Wendy and Bebe. They're in the mall shopping or something." Tweek smiled weakly at Stan, knowing the whole break-up was important to the boy.

"Really?? Thanks! Did you see where they went?" Stan's eyes widened from excitement.

"No, sorry. But you might run into them." Tweek started his bike. "Good luck!" He waved.

Stan waved back while Tweek set off. When he got home, he received a text from an unknown number.

???: Tweek, is this your number?

Why is everyone bothering me today?? He thought.

Tweek: Who is this and how did you get my number?

???: It's Craig.

"Oh shit, I forgot to save his number!" Tweek said out loud and changed the ID.

Tweek: Oh, sorry! Is something wrong?

Craig: I need you to come in tomorrow, some people are sick and we have just me and Kyle for the morning shift.

Craig: I know I told you to have some days off, but Andrea is acting like a bitch.

Tweek: No, it's okay. I don't really have anything to do.

Craig: Cool. Come on Monday at 10 then. You'll work till 16. By the time you finish, Lottie and Heidi will come so yeah.

Tweek: OK, thanks!

He put his phone away and walked into the kitchen. His dad was reading a newspaper while leaning on the counter.

"Hey dad, I'm home!" Tweek walked inside and put his keys on the key-holder.

"Hey home, I'm da-"

"No." Tweek cut in. He took a box of orange juice and poured some for himself.

"Haha, sorry. How was your day? Your mother told me you rode your bike." His dad put the paper down and crossed his arms. "Was everything fine?"

"Yeah, bike's still in one piece." Tweek smiled and drank some juice. He leaned on the table, facing his father. "What do you think of my haircut?" He asked proudly.

"Oh I just noticed it and I think it really suits you, son. What kinds of clothes did you buy?" His dad smiled back.

"All kinds, you'll see when I'll wear them! By the way, they called me to work tomorrow."

"Oh really? That's not good, you should relax then." His dad pat his shoulder. "I'm proud of you."

Tweek smiled warmly at his father's words. "Thanks, dad. I'll go and prepare myself for tomorrow then. You guys should come by sometime."

"Will do." They hugged for a second and Tweek walked upstairs to have a shower and rest up for tomorrow.

//Stay tuned for the next chapter, I have some action planned. ;) Hope you're enjoying it so far!//

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