#25 - New week

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Monday came earlier than Tweek had thought or wanted. He did literally nothing over the weekend, didn't leave his room, didn't contact anyone, nothing. His parents noticed his behaviour but decided not to bother him with it.

Tweek climbed out of bed completely exhausted. His body was on 10% at most. He took his phone out and glanced at the time.


"Uugh.. great.. woke up early again."

He limped into the bathroom to check up on himself. His face was.. not in the best condition. Swollen eyes, sunken cheeks, oily face. Just what he needed.

Tweek rolled his eyes and washed himself off. After a quick bite, he decided he'd go to the café as he would like to keep his job.

He dressed up, brushed past his parents and left home without a word. Tweek didn't want to make them worry but he couldn't bring himself to talk. He conserved his social energy for work.

Upon arriving at the café, he glanced in catiously. He noticed some people were behind the counter. Kyle, Andrea and Bebe to be exact. He walked inside and waved weakly.

They instantly noticed him. Bebe waved back, Kyle muttered a silent 'hey' and Andrea nodded at him. They seemed calm but Tweek sensed the tension in the air. They must have been notified about Craig.

At the locker room, he clumsily changed. He almost fell over a couple of times due to the lack of energy. He brushed it off.. not like anything would happen.

The shift went by quietly. Andrea spoke a few words here and there, but the others didn't talk. Tweek didn't mind. At his break, he got sent to eat at the same time as Kyle.

They sat down in front of each other. After what seemed like 10 minutes, Kyle quietly spoke up.

"So.. I heard what happened.. you don't look so good. Are you doing ok?" He asked with worry in his tone.

Tweek looked up from his food. He shot a weak smile and shook his head, feeling like crying again.

"Do you by chance.. wanna go somewhere? I know it's recent but.. you need to keep your mind off of it." Kyle smiled.

"..." Tweek averted his gaze. He was really tired and he missed his nice friends. He could make some new ones.. if he wanted. "Uh.. where exactly?"

"I dunno, watch a movie or grab a bite somewhere.. Stan could come along too! He is very worried about the two of you." Kyle said warmly.

"I.. I'll think about it." Tweek tried his best to fake a smile but he didn't succeed. All he achieved is tearing up. Some tears escaped his eyes but he didn't let himself cry.

"It's bad seeing you like this."  Kyle blurted out.  "I'm not used to this.. you're supposed to be witty and cheerful.."

Tweek smiled at the boy. Kyle has always been kind to him. Maybe hanging out wouldn't hurt much.

And with that, their break ended. The soon-to-be manager helped him with things and cheered him up. Bebe also offered a helping hand whenever Tweek needed it.

He felt a bit guilty. These people were so nice to him and he never gave them a chance. He put Craig on a pedestal and ignored everyone else, so he made the decision to change that. Tweek was going to break out of his own shyness and initiate for the first time.

Tweek's shift almost ended but someone walked in. The regular, Kenny paced to the counter and slammed his hands on the wooden surface.

"I heard what happened, are you fine? He didn't hurt you, right??"  His voice was panicked.

"U-uh.. no."  Tweek replied simply.  "Do you want something? A latte?"  He tried keeping his voice warm and welcoming, even though he wanted to kick him out.

"No, I wanted to check on you. I'm glad he didn't lie." 

"Lie? What do you mean?"  Tweek tilted his head.

"I visited him at the station, Tweek. He regrets it."  Kenny sighed.

"That's great."

"Look, he really likes you."  Kenny pleaded.  "Give him a chance."

"... uh. I'll see what I can do." Tweek pinched his nose from frustration. He spoke up once again.

"Kenny, my problem with him is not that simple.. he ignored my request and hurt someone. He almost killed Gallagher."  Tweek explained.  "I understand why he did that, but I'll need some time. Please, accept that."

They both looked away. Kenny nodded sadly.

"Fine. You have a point. Just.. don't be cruel to him."  He stepped away from the counter and walked out.

Tweek sighed. He glanced at the clock and saw that his shift ended. Feeling like death already, he decided to slip out without saying goodbye to anyone. Unfortunately, that didn't work.

"Hey hey hey, where do you think you're going?" A familiar voice asked. It was Stan. He had the day off so Tweek didn't understand what he was doing in the café.

"U-uh h-home?" Tweek raised his eyebrows. Stan shook his head.

"Nope, you're hanging with me and Kyle."

"What?" Tweek tilted his head. Before he could react, he felt an arm embrace his shoulders.

"Yup. You can't go home to feel sorry about yourself." Kyle grinned. "My shift ended the same time as yours, so we're kidnapping you."

"Um.. when did you call Stan here?" Tweek asked reluctantly.

"I dunno, after we talked, I kinda decided that you need to relax. You know, chill." Kyle said warmly. He smiled at Tweek in such a sweet way, Tweek smiled back at him out of pure reflex.

Kyle let go of Tweek and turned to Stan. "So, your place is tidier than last time right?"

Stan flushed. "Y-yeah! I actually need to impress someone right now!"

"You don't have to impress me?" Kyle asked cockily.

Tweek chuckled. These two must have some kind of deep friendship. Maybe he can get to know them a bit more.. it wouldn't hurt, right?

And with that, they grabbed Tweek out of the shop, threw him right in Stan's car and drove off with him. They really did kidnap him.. he even forgot his phone in his locker.

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