#33 - Calm before the Storm

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The Sun shone through the slightly open window. The boys slowly shuffled in bed, slowly waking up in the other's arm. Tweek looked up sleepily, smiling a tiny bit.

"You awake?"  He asked silently.

Craig pecked Tweek's forehead.  "Yeah. Good morning, Love."

"Good morning."  Tweek climbed over him.  "It's nice to wake up in your arms."

"I agree. You're the best sight to wake up to."

"You're too cute."  Tweek gave a quick kiss and sat up.  "I'm not that hot."

"Nah, you're beautiful."  Craig sat up as well and traced Tweek's cheeks.

"That was very gay."  Tweek chuckled. Craig just rolled his eyes.

"You're gay."  He said.

They prepared to get up. Both of them put on some clothes, combed their hair and went down to eat. Tweek's father was already up, in spite of the early time.

"Morning boys, slept well?" He greeted them.

"Good morning." Craig nodded.

"Hi dad. We did. Do you want some breakfast?" Tweek smiled.

"No, there's some pie in the oven. Your mother left early but she made apple pie before leaving." Tweek's father opened the oven to confirm they had something to eat.

Tweek's eyes lit up. "Awesome! I'll make some coffee for it. You guys just sit down."

The males obliged and sat down at the table, facing each other.

"Is Tweek always this.. hard-working?"  Craig asked while leaning on his elbow, glancing at the blonde boy.

"He is always kind and humble. After not being able to get into college, he just lost himself 'cuz of some guy. He got back on his feet now luckily."  Tweek's father smiled at Craig.

"Gallagher?"  Craig raised his eyebrow.

"Yes. We couldn't do anything about him. We were unable to question anyone, his parents were neglectful towards him and no one ever talked to him."  Tweek's father sighed.  "Thank you for knocking some sense into that kid."

"Heh. Literally."  Craig chuckled.

"Yeah, since you've come into Tweek's life, he's been way more cheery. He even started riding his bike, got new friends, it's like his self-esteem is rising again."  Tweek's dad smiled warmly.  "Take care of him and don't break his heart."

"I will not, I swear. He's changed me as well. I'm so glad we're actually together."  Craig said.

The coffee got brewed and Tweek took the container out.

"I've made chocolate cappucino if that's fine with you guys. A friend suggested making them, I'm told they taste awesome."  Tweek grinned while snatching some mugs.

"Sounds good, son."  His dad replied.

"You were talking so silently here, I didn't hear you. What were you talkin about?"  Tweek asked as he served the coffee.

"Work."  Both of the males replied at the same time. They widened their eyes from surprise and started laughing soon after.

"Hehe, you're in sync."  Tweek rolled his eyes playfully.

Everyone sat at the table, talking about any random stuff a father would talk about with his gay son and his boyfriend. The café came out as a subject after a few minutes of talking.

"..and then there's Andrea."  Craig slurped from the coffee.

"Tweek said some stuff about her. She is strict, no?"

Craig sighed, swallowing the liquid. "I am worried about some stuff because of her. She doesn't like workplace.. romances."

"What do you mean?" Tweek raised his eyebrows.

"The last couple who worked there got absolutely destroyed. They ended up single."

"What? Why did she do that?" Tweek asked.

"She had a harsh divorce. Her husband used to work at the café and he kinda sucked at his job." Craig explained. "Since that, she hates seeing people in a happy relationship."

"How do you know these stuff, Craig?" Tweek's father asked.

"I am Andrea's personal punching bag, she blames me for everything. I got used to it though." Craig rolled his eyes.

"That's terrible!" Tweek exclaimed. "What will happen if she finds us out?"

"Well, I hope she doesn't. I don't want either of us to be fired." Craig said. "And if we're not fired, we'd be 'just' harrassed by her."

"Harrassed?!" Tweek shouted. "What the hell? You know I wouldn't be able to bear that!"

"Tweek, calm down." Tweek's father pat on his son's shoulder. "You can handle it."

"No I can't." Tweek objected.

"Aww, Tweek."  Craig caressed Tweek's hair.  "Sorry to make you anxious about this. If anything- really, ANYTHING happens, I'll be there."

Tweek sighed.  "Yeah, okay."

"Promise me you'll run to me if she's even remotely rude."  Craig looked in his eye.

"I promise. Thank you."  Tweek smiled.

"Good. When are you working?" Craig asked.

"Tomorrow from 7 to 4PM. And you?" Tweek replied.

"You'll have an hour without me then."  Craig took his phone out and started browsing. He found what he was searching for and spoke up again.  "Cool, Stan and Kyle will be there with us too."

"Awesome." Tweek smiled.

"Okay, boys. It's time for me to leave for work. It was nice getting to know you bettet Craig." Tweek's fathet stood up and put the mug in the washbasin. He walked to Craig to shake his hand. "Feel free to come over whenever."

Craig stood up to shake hands. "Would love to, sir."

"Great. Bye and don't wreck the house!" Tweek's father said as he walked out of the room.


"Bye dad!" Tweek said cheerfully.

They were left alone in the house for the rest of the day, so they thought about ideas on what to do. Craig had many.. suggestive activities in mind, but Tweek wasn't in the mood.

"But I need to return the favour.." Craig pulled Tweek closer to himself.

Tweek chuckled. "You needy ass, don't worry, you'll have the chance soon."

"Fiiiine." Craig puffed his lips. "What about going out for ice-cream then?"

"That finally sounds like a good idea." Tweek grinned. "Should we invite the others?"

"You mean Clyde and the others?"

"Yeah, and we could ask Stan and Kyle to come along too!" Tweek said excitedly.

"Shit, we're going to be raiding that ice-cream place." Craig laughed.

Funnily enough, everyone came so they did raid the shop. Clyde, Token, Jimmy, Stan, Kyle, Tweek and Craig all went out as a huge gang. You guys can all imagine how big the chaos was.

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