Max x Fem! Reader PT 1

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*Of course starting off imma request my own crap*
*Bad girl version ;)*

Your POV
It's the first day of summer and I'm already on a fucking bus off to a summer camp. My "parents" signed me up for art camp because they think I'm shit at drawing. My dad payed for this because my mums always knocked up on drink. She probably forgets I exist. This bus driver is really creepy, I don't know why anyone trusts him to drive a bus. It took about 30 minutes to get to this camp. When I was getting my stuff when he stopped I was greeted by an enthusiastic looking man with a camper that looked like he was done with life by his side.

"Hello!! You must be Y/N! The name's David. I'm going to be your one of your  counselors for the summer! Your tent is 13 and you'll be sleeping with Nikki!"

I was not a happy camper at the start ( KnEeSlApPeR) I am tired from the journey I flipped him off and went on my way. I found the tent and unpacked. That David guy was really annoying. The kid next to him was kinda cute though. He laughed at David when I flipped him off. I went for a stroll around the camp to stumble the "mess hall". I walk in to see if there is any sane people, but all I see is disaster. The other counselor I think her name is Gwen was throwing food at a kid attached to the ceiling fan. "Motherfucker!" It was the funniest shit I've ever seen. David rushed to turn off the ceiling fan to have the kid fall face first onto the ground. I was crying from the laughter. I eventually stopped laughing when David was introducing me to the other campers. I didn't say anything to them I just gave them a wave and a glance. I walked out of the "mess hall" to escape the awkwardness. I saw something sprinting towards me after I walked out. It stopped at my legs and sniffed me.

" Hi my name is Nikki! You must be the new camper! I heard you are staying in my tent. This is going to be fun!

Nikki then grabs my hand, pulls me back into the hall and sits me down at the table in the corner. When we got there the kid standing next to David earlier on, is seated across from me. A tall skinny boy with curly hair was right next to him

"So, what's your name new kid!!" Nikki practically screams.

"My name is Y/N, what's your guys names?"

"Hi Y/N, my name is Neil"

"The names Max"

Max had black curly hair and was around my height. He had deep aqua eyes and tan skin, he also wore a blue sweater with a yellow shirt under it. Nikki had greenish turquoise hair with red overalls and a yellow shirt. It was quiet for a few seconds till Nikki got up and dragged Neil over to the other side of the hall to tell him something. Max started to talk to me

"I like the way you work Y/N, the way you flipped off David and the way you laughed at Space Kid. It looks like it's a competition for the biggest asshole here now"

"Well Max I can't wait to beat your sorry ass at this "competition"

I gave him a competitive glare and walked off to find my tent again. Max is super cute and just like me. I just can't let him know I have a tiny crush on him though. I can tell this summer isn't gong to be that bad

Max's POV
The new chick Y/N made me feel weird inside when I was near her. I think she's going to make this place a whole lot better.

Note: I'm going to wait until people request a PT 2 so if you want more just tell me :)

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