Preston x Stressed! Reader

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Wait did I already do one- FUCK IT HERE WE GO

3rd Person

Y/N was a very stressed out person. She got stressed easily and usually had headaches. Her life was under a lot of pressure ever since her mother died. All her mother's responsibilities were put onto her. Her father noticed this stress and decided to send her to a summer camp.


My dad sent me to this summer camp, why? He said "you've been stressed so this will relax you a bit" quote unquote. The bus arrived at the camp that was drove by a creepy old man. I grabbed my bag, walked out of the bus and was greeted by a tall red headed man.
"You must be Y/N! I'm David, your counselor for the summer!" He grabbed my arm and dragged me around the camp. He introduced me to the campers, I just gave a them a little wave and went on my way. One did catch my eye though. I think his name was Preston? I might talk to him later...
David showed me to my tent and left me so I could unpack. He said I shared the tent with someone but he didn't tell me who. He was caught up with the others. I started unpacking my stuff. I heard some voices passing my tent but only one stayed. The tent flaps started opening to reveal that my tentmate was...

Preston's POV

I saw the new camper today. I think her name was Y/N. She actually didn't look too bad, not like everyone else here. Anyways, after eating some breakfast went back to my tent since it was a Saturday. I was talking to Harrison and Nerris on the way, mostly to stop them bickering. When I left I heard them again. I opened the tent flaps to find Y/N unpacking her stuff on the other bed.
"Oh so we are tentmates?" I asked while walking over to my bed.
"I guess so?" She continued unpacking her stuff. We talked for a while after. I learned that her dad thought she was too stressed so he sent her here. I told her why I'm here aswell.

Time skip to about a week after~ SHUT UP ALANNA I DON'T CARE


I woke up in my house...? I thought I was at camp?? I got up anyways. I opened the door to my room to find... mom? Tears started forming at the edges of my eyes.
"Mom??" I turned her around but her face was bloody... everywhere was bloody.
"Come... with... me..." I saw she had a knife behind her. It was covered in blood.
"What.. happened??" I asked her as my skin turned pale.
"I..." she stopped and turned around to look at something. I peeked my head around to see... Preston and my dad!? They had blood all over them.
"You.. KILLED THEM!?" I shouted as I turned her back around to me. She had an evil grin on her face as lifted up the knife that... disappeared!? It turned into a bunch of paper? She was about to drop it in me till I heard Preston shouting at me from behind her.
"WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" He was shouting at me. Suddenly I was in black for a couple of seconds.

I woke up at the noise of Preston shouting at me. He saw me awake and hugged me.
"What happened?" I asked as we were still hugging.
"I woke up because you were screaming so loudly... you were screaming "mom!?" And "You killed them!" You started crying. I shook you a bit. Then you said "don't kill Preston, Mom I'm begging you!" I blushed madly at the thought of it. "Luckily I'm the only light sleeper in the camp so it was only me who heard it..." he looked at me in my eyes.
"Preston... I don't want to go back to sleep..." I said while still shaking. He lifted up the blanket and... got in? "What are you doing??" I asked.
"I'm going to sleep with you so you know there's someone there" he laid down and pulled me down with him. His body was so warm. He wrapped his arms around me. I felt so sleepy after it. Before falling fully asleep I felt a light kiss on my head.

"Good night, my love"

Word Count: 742
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