Counselor! Jasper x David

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Taking a break from the All Counselors! X Reader so here's some Jaspvid for the soul ;)


Jasper's POV

I've been a counselor for a while now and I love it! Well except for the usual tainting of Max. My favorite part has to be Davey though! His garnet fluffy hair to his shamrock eyes. Ok I might have a little crush on him but that's it!

3rd Person

Jasper was on his usual afternoon walk when he came to a field of flowers that seemed to have a person in the middle of it. Jasper hid behind a tree so the person couldn't see him. He poked his head around the tree to see his favorite counselor playing a song on his guitar.

When I am with, there's no place I'd rather be,
No-no no no no, no place I'd rather be.

Jasper's POV

Great, he likes someone else the thought of it made me feel sick till I coughed,

I coughed till petals came out my mouth,

There was more and more

It thickened into blood

"Jasper!?" I hear a soft voice. "Jasper!? What's wrong??"
"Hanahaki..." I manage to say before passing out.

David's POV

Hanahaki? What is it? My thoughts were interrupted by Gwen running towards me.
"WHAT HAPPENED!?" she rushed over to Jasper.
"I d-don't know, the only thing is said to me was "Hanahaki"??" I look up to Gwen.
"Wait what!?" I look back to Jasper.
"THE ONLY WAY TO CURE HIM IS TO KISS HIM" I trust Gwen and lean into kiss him. Our lips sync together as I notice the petals and blood start to disappear.
"Hey, Davey" Jasper opened his eyes slowly. I wrapped my arms around him so tight. I never wanted to let go.
"Never do that to me again!" I said while tears forming in the edges of my eyes. I hold him closer to my chest.

"I love you, Jasper"

Word Count: 346
Some Jaspvid for the soul ;)

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