All Counselors! x Reader PT 3

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This part is pretty much some angst and how you are in your new house
(Panic attacks are mentioned so if youre sensitive I've warned you)

3rd Person

It was the last day of camp and for once in her life, Y/N was happy to go home. The morning was pretty much packing away her clothes, phone and art supplies (I can't go anywhere without them.) Her tentmate Nikki was bouncing around but somehow with an atmosphere of sadness. The girls were talking for a while till the counselors called everyone into the Mess Hall to have lunch before they left. You could see David had been crying because of his puffy eyes but he forced a smile on his face and went on his way.

Lunch was done and everyone went to their tents one last time to grab their luggage. No one seemed sad leaving but then no one seemed HAPPY leaving. Everyone got onto the bus except for the counselors which took their cars to the dropping place. The bus ride was long and depressing since no one was talking except for Nikki.
"Are you excited to go home!?" asked the curious girl.
"Yep, I can't wait to have a loving family!!" Y/N face was gleaming with excitement.
"Wait what?"
"I'm not going to my parents, they are in jail! I'm going to live with David and the others!!"
"God fucking bless your soul" Max said butting into the conversation.

Timeskip brought you by THE BUS ~

The time had come when everyone was getting collected by their parents. Most people gave each other their social media to keep in touch. Some people were actually crying. Well David cried the most. Each child got picked up, one by one till there was one left. Y/N. David carried her to his car since she had fallen asleep on Jasper's shoulder. The drive back to their house wasn't too long. They had a pretty big house since all of them had really good paying jobs (except Gwen). When they arrived Jasper decided to carry Y/N and Gwen carried her luggage into a spare room that was going to be hers. The gang went in with him and tuck her into bed. Before David left the room he heard something.
"Thank you..." Y/N mumbled in her sleep. David left the room with a huge smile going across his face.

Your POV

They are doing it out of pity.

They don't care about you.

You'll be worthless

A waste of time

You suddenly wake up in a cold sweat. You put your knees to you chest and start crying. What if she's right? They probably don't care. They are doing it out of pity. These thoughts roam around in your head till you hear a soft voice.
"Y/N?" The voice turned out to be David. He walked over to your bed quietly not to wake the others.
"D-David why are y-you awake?" Before you knew a soft pair of arms wrap around you. You had a flashback. You try to get out, you scream and shout. Before you know it Jasper and Gwen is at the entrance of your room while Daniel and Jen behind them.
"What's going on!?" Jasper looking at David. David himself is scared.
"I-I don't know I was hugging h-her and she started to scream and shout"
"Dammit David! She's having a panic attack!" Gwen rushed over to me.

David's POV

"I didn't mean f-for this to happen!" I tried to help her calm down but Gwen knew what to do. After 20 minutes Y/N was back to herself.
"What happened?" she asked still a bit shaky.
"I heard you c-crying and I came into your room and g-gave you and hug but you started screaming and s-shouting" I said.
"You triggered a flashback..." Y/N mumbled while a tear or two ran down her face.
"Wow your childhood must have been shit if you got triggered by a hug" Gwen said with dissatisfaction in her tone.
"David, I'm sorry we can talk in the morning" she replied


Word Count: 726
Sorry it ended a bit quick but there's going to be a part 4 YAYAY

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