Nikki x Scared! Reader (ANGST)

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I'm in my school's library right now and I GOT THE BEST IDEA FOR SOME ANGST!
Age: 16


Nikki and Y/N were together for a while now. Nikki didn't like to show it a lot in public, but she loved Y/N very dearly. They both met at their first day at camp. It's been 3 years since that day...


I woke up... underwater? I couldn't move, I looked down to see chains holding me down. I looked back up to see a piece of glass between me and...Nikki? She was hanging out with Neil and Max. I tried shouting at her. All that came out of my mouth was air bubbles. I saw Nikki acting like I wasn't there. I tried to scream at her. She didn't even notice I was gone. I started to banging on the glass. My chains started to feel like they were loosening. I kept banging until there was a crack in the glass. I looked up to Nikki to see her... kissing Nerris... I could feel my chest getting heavier. I couldn't breath. My body went limp in the water. My body was somehow shaking itself.

I woke up with Nikki in front of me. She had tears running down her eyes. She saw me awake and hugged me tight. Tears ran down my eyes as I wrapped my arms around Nikki.
"What happened!?" She asked still hugging me.
"I-i was underwater. I-I was c-chained to the floor, we were separated by a piece of g-glass-" she pulled out of the hug to look me in my eyes. "-y-you were hanging out with N-Neil and Max. Y-you didn't notice I was g-gone" tears went down my cheeks. "I s-started banging on t-the glass til I saw you k-kissing Nerris..." She started tearing up as I said it. "I c-couldn't feel anything after"
"Y/N, you know I would never ever! Do that to you" She putted her rough but soft hands on my cheeks, cupping them. "I'm not going to leave you" she pressed her lips against mine. I kissed back but with warm tears falling down my face. She pulled out and got out of the bed. "I'm going to make you some tea so you can calm down" she smiled as she put on my hoodie. She kissed my forehead and walked out of the tent.

Nikki's POV

I walked out of the tent, still surprised. I felt tears fall down my face as I walked to the Mess Hall. I put the kettle on and sat down as I waited.
She knows I love her very much. Why this dream then? My thoughts were interrupted by the kettle whistling. I poured the water into her F/C mug. I put all of the ingredients in. I checked the time... 2? That's ok. I walked out of the Mess Hall and back to our tent. I opened the tent flaps to find Y/N cuddling a pillow I made her 2 years ago. She smiled as I gave her the tea.
"Thank you" she sipped it and put it down on the little table beside the bed.
"Y/N?" I sat down beside her.
"Yeah?" She titled her head towards me.
"Why did you have that dream?" Her face went blank as I said it. She put her head down and started sniffling again.
"I always dream about that..." I felt her tears on my hand, which was on her knee. "I'm always so afraid to lose you..." I looked at her and put her head up. I wiped her tears with my hand.
"As I said before I'm not going to leave you. Ever" I grabbed her and pulled her down as I fell onto the bed. She was laying on top on me now. "Now get some sleep, David will kill us if we don't" she chuckled a tiny bit as she laid her head on my chest. I felt my eyelids get heavier. Before falling fully asleep I heard a faint whisper.

"You are all I have"

Word Count: 698

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