Jasper x Ghost! Reader PT 2

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It's not going have a PT 3 so this might long cause why the fuck not


I haven't seen Jasper since I nearly started crying in front of him. He's tried to talk to me as I usually take walks, but I disappear before he gets to me. I know I should go and talk to him but if I get attached to him, he'll be ripped away from me like everyone else was.

I was taking my usual walk down through the forest, I heard a voice coming from behind me.
"Y/N, please can I talk to you!" I recognized the voice as Jasper's. My legs started to run, but he somehow was faster. He was catching up to me, fast until he was right behind me. I could feel him trying to grab my hand. I stopped, to see him run right through me. He stopped suddenly and looked back at me with a terrified expression on his face. I felt my tears filling up my eyes as I was looked at like a monster.
"I know you probably see me as a monster, so I'll go" I started to walk off.
"Wait! Don't go Y/N!" I heard a shout from behind me, stopping me in my tracks. "I don't see you as a monster, I see you as... unique!" He smiled at me. For the first time in forever, I felt like someone was there for me. "Of course, I can't hug you but I'll just let you know if I could I would." He walked over to my side. "Now tell me how it is being a ghost!" I laughed as we walked to the beach.

1 month later

Jasper and I have gotten so close, I haven't been this close to someone for 20 years. We usually meet up every second day but I see him do his activities. This afternoon, he missed our usual meet-up, which was strange but I didn't mind as I watched the kids running around. It was getting pretty late and I didn't see Jasper all day. He might be just busy.

It's been a couple days and I haven't seen Jasper. There are rumors going around that, he's missing.I won't believe it.
I go to my usual spot that I meet up with Jasper. Still have a bit of hope that he might come. I heard some rustling of leaves behind me. Turning around to see Jasper, I got up quickly. He looked like he just saw a ghost... wait never mind.
"What's wrong, Jas?" I asked him, worried.
"Don't freak out Y/N, but touch my hand" he held us his hand.
"Um ok but it's going to go through by the way" I put my hand onto his own. This time it didn't go through, for the first time in 20 years I felt human contact. I screamed loudly, causing Jasper to jump.
"S-so you are d-dead!?" I asked him.
"I guess so..." he thought about it. I ran up to him and gave him a huge hug.
"I've waited to do this to someone for SO long!" I smiled excitedly.
"Well now you have to show me what we can do as ghosts" he told me. I grabbed his hand.
"Let's go!" I said as I dragged him away.

Word Count: 581
I know it's short but I'm going back to school so updates will be slow once again ugh fuck.

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