All Counselors! x Reader PT 6

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Ok this is pretty much 3 months after this has happened and it's your birthday 🎂



I woke up bright and early, even though I'm on my holidays. It's been 3 months since the counselors took me into their house. I love it! They treat me so nice.
Today was different though, it was my birthday! I didn't tell anyone because I assumed no one cared so today's just another normal day...

3rd Person

David woke up bright and early and got out of bed trying not to wake his roommate, Jasper. He snook down the hall quietly. Y/N heard him but didn't bother to check because it was normal for him. David reached the kitchen and it seemed Daniel and him were the only ones up.
"Morning, Da-" the blonde man was interrupted.
"Daniel! Do you know what day it is!?" David whisper yelled.
"A Saturday?" He said as he sipped a bit of his coffee.
"NO ITS Y/N'S BIRTHDAY!" Daniel spit out his coffee in surprise.
"How do you know this!?" Jen walked in while he said it with Gwen and Jasper trailing behind her.
"Know what?" Jen rubbed her eyes while she said it.
"GUYS! ITS Y/N'S BIRTHDAY!" David announced again with a whisper.
"Wait what!?" Jasper looked at him in surprise.
"As I was saying, how do you know this?!"
"Well I was going through some of the campers application forms and the only info I saw on Y/N's was her name and birthday, so I just always kept it in mind" David explained to the gang.
"Kept what in mind?" Y/N walked in, giving everyone a startle.
"N-nothing!" Gwen said before David blurted something out.
"Ok?" Y/N got a glass of milk and walked back to her room while everyone started at her.
"I'm just... going to close this" Y/N said as she nervously closed the door.
"Guys, well done of not making it suspicious!" Jen said sarcastically.
"Well what are we going to do?" Jasper asked.
"I already have something..." David said with a huge smile going across his face.
"So you are leaving us to get gifts without a clue??" Daniel said with a bit of anger in his stare.
"Yep but you guys know she loves F/H, F/H, F/H and F/H so that'll give a hint" David left the kitchen with a smile across his face.
"Can we kill David for f-" Jen was interrupted.
"No, Jen" Gwen put her hand on her shoulder.
"Ok guys we need to split up. Gwen and Jen go get her a gift. Daniel and I will go get her a gift too"
That was the plan for the day.


I was sort of weirded out when everyone stared at me when I grabbed a glass of milk. I didn't want to question it so I closed the door and went back to my room. I looked at the time to see if it was early anymore. 9:00? Not to bad. I got back into bed and laid down for a bit till I heard a whistle going by my room. I'm assuming it was David.

Timeskip because I don't know what to put here ~

Looks like everyone is gone except David and I. I don't know where the others are going though...
I walk out of my room, dressed and noticed everyone had their jackets on.
"Where are you guys going?" I question them. Everyone looked at me if I was a ghost.
"Uh! We are going..." Jasper didn't finish his sentence.
"For a walk!" Gwen butted in.
They are really bad at lying... I thought to myself.
"Ok? Have a good walk" I start to walk to my room but then something popped into my mind.
"Wait you're just going to me here?"
"No, David's staying here with you" there was a minute of silence before Daniel said something.
"WELP WE BETTER BE GOING BYE!" He said as he shoved everyone out the door.
"That was... strange" I shrugged my shoulders and went back to my room, walking by a very happy David.

Ok somethings definitely up. I haven't seen David this happy since camp. And everyone else this nervous since parents day...

Word Count: 725
Ohhh what's gonna happennnnn ;)

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